reasons why (⚠️ spoilers ⚠️)

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yup. another rant. hhh. sorry about this, i'm just pissed off.

apparently wattpad unpublished this so here it is again ;(( i decided to take some of the cussing out since i wanted to make it a little bit less pissed-off sounding


some people are angry about Tony's death. some people are angry that their hope, their hero, is dead. yeah, okay, so am i, but i'm not about to cuss the Russos out for that.

the fact that they ended Tony's character arc (which they may not have, but i'll get to that in a bit) with a death is not a problem.

first of all, he died a worthy, reasonable death. it wasn't a throw away, he literally saved the universe. i don't think people think about that. he saved the entire universe when he died.

he killed Thanos. he defeated his problems. i, personally, would like to think of it as a wonderful metaphor for Tony overcoming his struggles. he does die, but it's not bad.

death isn't the end. he will be remembered. Tony Stark is not truly dead.

Morgan, Rhodey, Peter, May, Pepper, Happy, every person touched by Tony Stark will remember his legacy. if time is kind enough to our generation, perhaps we could pass it on down the generations.

Tony Stark isn't truly dead.

if y'all aren't happy with that answer because you're salty that he died, he's a fictional character. he is not real. trust me, i would know. i have a fictive of the man, for god's sakes. i understand what it's like to see your hero die. it's happened many times, and it will happen again.

every story has an end. nothing lasts forever. Iron Man was dying out, newer children don't even understand who he is. maybe you should have watched the movie to see the true meaning of tony's death.

if you're a bit sore from it because, like me, you have a part of you that either is Tony Stark or is similar to him, remember that you are not him. this is a talk i have to have with my Tony all. the. time. you are worthy of life. just because your canon counterpart is dead doesn't mean you are. you're your own beautiful, strong, passionate person.

if y'all just sad and want to get your frustrations out, me too.

if y'all think that this is the end of Tony Stark, it isn't. they could still do things with his character, even in death. have y'all ever seen Umbrella Academy? Ben's a ghost and he has character. of course, one of the characters can see ghosts, but who knows, maybe someone in the MCU can. probably not, but who knows. it's the MCU, stuff gets wild.

long story short, Tony Stark will live past death. and if you don't think so, can you even call yourself an Iron Man fan?

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