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It is 9:36 AM and I woke up not too long ago. It's warm in my bed with all the comfy blankets and stuffed animals so why not start to write chapter two?
This might need a lot of proofreading before I publish it, considering I'm kinda half asleep. I'm gonna eat breakfast and keep writing.
But anyways! I hope you enjoy chapter two of SYMPHONY.

ー 🕊
your POV.

A smile played at my lips, tugging at the ending corners of my mouth and curving them upwards. "It's cute in here." I said, looking around the room as Meizou opened the door.
"What do you usually do here? And what exactly does F4 do? Or are you guys just dorks that created a name for your friend group?" I earned an annoyed groan from Si at my multiple questions, I turned my head and looked at him. "None of your business. You're only here because Lei invited you."
"Huh, fine then. I'll find out somehow." I huffed once again, crossing my arms and making my way to Ximen, Meizou and Lei.

Curly cinnamon colored hair made its way towards me with a drink in hand. "Here, drink this. Make yourself at home."
"Ah, thank you. I appreciate this, really. I don't have any friends here so, this is really nice." My voice came out with a shy tone, I reached out and took the refreshment from Lei's hands as I went and sat myself at a chair. "Consider us your friends, then." Meizou said, sending a smile in my direction before turning to Si. "She's our friend now."
"Tch. Fine then. Whatever."

"We usually never do this, but I think we'd enjoy your company. Plus, amuse us every time you argue with Daoming Si." Ximen mentioned with a chuckle, smirking towards Si.
"Well, thank you. I'm in no position to pass up friends so.. I'll gladly accept." I happily nodded my head, completely ignoring Si's annoyed grunts of disapproval. Soon, F4 went their separate ways in the lounge, each doing their own things. I just scrolled through my phone, before my eyes adverted from the screen and into the room; scanning the four boys before I got up and made my way to Lei.

He gave me more of a comforting feeling than the rest, probably because he was the reason of why I was here in the first place, but either way I could tell that I'd enjoy his company. "Lei." I mentioned his name quietly, watching him turn a page on the book that was currently in his grip. "Hm?" His response was introverted and almost stoic. "What are you reading?" I asked, before scolding myself internally for coming up with such a boring question.
"It's about composers, probably not interesting to you."
"Composers? That's right up my alley! I'm a music student here at Mingde." I exclaimed, snatching the book from his hands.

"What are some of your favorites, hm?" I questioned him, my eyes scanning the words on the page; releasing information about many musical composers. "Johannes Brahms, Johann Sebastian Bach, Claude Debussy, among others.." His voice trailed off, making me hum once again. "I prefer the classics like Ludwig Van Beethoven and Mozart. But yes, those are okay too."
"You're basic. There's many other good composers." He stated, this time with a blank expression on his face as he stared at me. "There's nothing wrong with liking classics! You can't call me basic! Unlike me, I bet when you were a kid you thought those were the only classical composers that existed and that they created music alone!"
"That's quite descriptive for someone who claims to have never done it." He retorted, still having the same blank expression on his features.

"I— uh.. it just came to mind.." I adverted my eyes from his gaze, slowly setting the book down on my lap. "Sure, it came to mind."
"Fine, okay! I was five years old, what else was I supposed to think?" I let out a small huff, feeling the book leave my grasp as Lei took it back. The curly haired boy just laughed, but it wasn't obnoxious at all. It was a soft chuckle, when his smile extends and his eyes become crescents like the phase of the moon. I opened the drink that had been handed to me earlier, taking a sip and smiling at the refreshing taste.

          I decided to just leave him alone for now, sitting back in the chair and once again unlocking my phone and scrolling through social media. From app to app, until I landed on Spotify. I sighed quietly and took my earphones from my pocket, plugging them in and scrolling through many artists, playlists, and recommendations. I just picked a playlist I had heard many times before but it was still just as amazing as it was when I first heard the songs within. The bell soon rang and it was time to leave for classes again. I stood up and took my earphones out, turning to Lei and giving him a smile. "Thank you."
"Mhm." Was the only response I got, before he joined the three others boys and walked out.

          I just followed them out, turning the opposite way in the hallway. On my way to class, I just so happen to run into the girl that got me involved with F4 in the first place. I quickly made my way over, tapping her shoulder lightly before my arms were by my side once again. "Hey, you're that girl that attacked that man right?" I asked curiously even though I already knew the answer.
"I didn't attack him. But yes. I'm Dong Shancai." The girl, apparently named Shancai, sighed and turned to face me. "I'm Kang y/n, I accidentally made you drop your phone.. which is the only reason you chased after that big group of girls. I'm sorry. Would you like me to buy you a new one— actually, I should. I will."

          "No, no! You don't have to, really. I can just borrow someone else's for now. It's fine." Shancai put her hands up and waved them in disagreement, shaking her head slightly as she refused for me to buy her a new phone. "Nonsense. I have to buy you a new phone. I'll feel terrible if I don't, so, what's your favorite color?" I insisted, holding her arms and giving her a determined stare. "I— fine, fine. And I don't care, you can pick the color." Shancai at last gave in, a sigh leaving her pale lips as I let go of her arms. "Fine okay, I'll pick the color. You'll have a new phone tomorrow." A smile spread across my face, nodding my head as I finally got her to accept my gesture.

          "We should be friends, too. I think it'd be nice! I want a girl friend, since I already befriended four boys." I suggested, the smile from before still playing at my lips.
"Ah, sure that sounds good. You seem nice, why not." Shancai smiled back at me, nodding her head once or twice.
"What do you have now? Are you free or do you have class?" I asked curiously.
"I have class, what about you?"
"Oh, me too! What do you take?"
"Nutrition. You?"
"Oh, music. I play the piano." A small sigh escaped my lips, kind of disappointing. I wanted to get to know Shancai a little more, but it's a bit unrealistic to think that she would have the exact same class as me at the exact same time. I just shrugged before adding to my previous statement. "Don't worry, though. Let's sit with each other at lunch, okay?"
"Okay. Bye bye!"
"Bye bye!"

          I smiled and waved my hand as she turned and made her way to the nutrition classroom. I walked the opposite direction, finding the musical classroom and finding a beautiful grand piano in the middle of the room. The professor hadn't arrived yet, so I just sat myself down and opened the piano.
I placed my hands on the polished keys, glowing in the sunlight that seeped through the big windows of the room. I tried to focus, but all my mind could run back to was Huaze Lei.
No, you just met the guy. You can't start liking him... yeah, he's cute and charming and sweet but, you just can't. I told myself, shaking my head to get rid of these thoughts and focus on the piece that I was trying to play.

          My hands came to a stop, my dark eyes just blankly staring at the keys as my hands fell down and were placed on my lap. "Well, at least I don't have class with him."

          "Have class with who?" A familiar voice questioned, I slightly jumped in my seat as I slowly turned around and prayed that it wasn't who I thought it was.
Huaze Lei.
"What are you doing here?"
"I play the violin."
"This is piano class."
"And piano, besides, pianos and violins take classes together."
"Oh." I sighed, turning back to the keys but still having my hands on my lap.

          Fucking great.

SYMPHONY. [ HUAZE LEI / 花泽 类 ]Where stories live. Discover now