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So chapters might take a little longer to write now since fall break has ended and it's back to school for me! But either way I'll do anything to update this story for you guys. Really, thank you for all the views and votes on it. This is probably the fastest rising book I've ever written and I can't thank you enough. Mwah mwah mwah!!
Also, once I cue the music, scroll up and play the video. It'll give the moment a better vibe, I guess you could say.

your POV.

          It really couldn't get any better. He was in my class. Whatever. Just get focused on class, he has no power over you and he cannot distract you from your passion! Music! I nodded determinedly to myself and smiled softly, my gaze returning to the piano keys. "Alright." Was the only word I heard, coming from across the room which made me turn myself around only to be met with the professor. "Warm up first and then we'll begin."

          At the cue from the director, we both focused on our own instruments. My hands were placed on the black and white keys, but they didn't move. Not a single sound came from the piano even though I was looking down at it, ready to play, but not doing it.

play the song

The room was silent, before a melody turned my head to my left, my eyes glancing at Lei. His movements were delicate, the bow gliding across the violin strings with just enough force to bring out the softest melody of the strings, having them vibrate and create a beautiful reality. I kept looking at him play for a few seconds before recognizing the tune; I immediately turned to the piano keys and placed my hands correctly on them once again before starting the music. I kept my hands steady, watching them carefully as my glance kept going back and forth between the lower and higher keys to make sure they were placed correctly. Concentrated, and enveloped in the thrilling art of music. At the rest, I managed to steal a look at him; he was smiling a bit but his eyes remained calm and his bow work was still absolutely fantastic.

We carried out the rest of the song, my lips slightly curving upwards as I executed the notes just as I wanted them. Perfect, I thought to myself as my hands remained on the keys for a longer note before making their way back to my lap. "That was gorgeous!" We both turned to the director, before giving her a smile and thanking her.
"Thank you, Mrs. Weng. I appreciate it." I shot her a warm smile, fixing a strand of hair that had fallen in front of my face while I played. I moved it behind my ear gently, the rest of my hair falling over my shoulders and down my back.

An hour of class passed by without me noticing, finding myself playing the last note for the time being and reaching to close the piano. That's why I chose music, to me it feels like only five seconds have passed when in reality it's actually been a whole hour.
"You guys did amazing. Remember, practice anything you feel you need to work on. I'll see you for our second class later at 3:30 pm. Class dismissed." And with that, I made my way out of the music room, turning the hallway and going to the cafeteria. I'm starving... I sighed, making my way inside and sitting at a table by myself and opening my bento lunch.

I prepared it myself last night and warmed it up a few minutes before coming to school. I sighed once again before digging in and eating. Scrolling through my phone, I exited out of Instagram and went to Web Toon to read comics while I finished my meal. "Hmm, what to read, what to read..." Quietly, I murmured to myself as I scrolled through the comics I've been reading.
"Oh! You read those too?" I jumped at the sudden voice behind me, turning around and finding Shancai. "Oh.. hey Shancai... you scared me for a second there. And yeah, I like to read some web toons in my free time."
"Which ones have you read?"
"I'm into True Beauty right now, and some others. I like horror ones too! Wanna have a seat here with me?" I asked, smiling at her and tapping the area in front of me.

"Oh sorry.. my friends are kind of waiting for me over there. But, you could come and sit with us, they probably don't mind meeting someone new." She suggested, an awkward smile on her pale features. I nodded, the smile from before not faltering even a bit. "Sure, I'd love to!"

I gathered my lunch and followed Shancai to another table with a boy and another girl. Once I sat down next to Shancai, I smiled at both of them and Shancai introduced them to me. "This is Lizen, and this is Chen Qinghe."
"Hello, I'm Kang y/n. It's lovely to meet you." I smiled at the both of them, once again opening the bento lunch and taking the chopsticks into my right hand.
"Nice to meet you too, y/n! You're really pretty, don't you think so Qinghe?" Lizen mentioned, a smile playing at her lips as a small giggle escaped her vocal cords.

"R-right, yeah. You are pretty, y/n." He responded shyly, his tone of voice having hints of obvious awkwardness. "You guys are too sweet. Enjoy your meal, by the way." I smiled once again, bringing the utensils close to my mouth and savoring the tasty self prepared lunch in front of me.

a small skip in time.

Once lunch was over, we happily walked together before being reminded by Shancai that they had classes after lunch. With a smile and a friendly wave of goodbye, I went my own separate direction as they headed to their nutritions course. My class didn't start up again until an hour of the current time. I wandered mindlessly around the halls of the university before finding myself of the roof of the school. I hummed curiously and kept walking, feeling the warm sunshine on my skin as I made my way out of the shadows of the building. I smiled contently, and set my bag down before once again walking. I walked to the railing, playing my hands on them as a soft tune started to come from my lips, my hands happily moving along with the music and across the railing at every note I played; as if it was a piano.

Worries, sadness, and anxieties all wrapped and put away by the serene moment that the roof brought. The city noise and sounds of millions of people, cars, and steps on the pavement all gone; the only sound registering was the imaginary playing of my hands and the hums that vibrated off of my lips. I smiled in a soft way, continuing the air playing, waltzing along with the harmonies in my head. So caught up in music.

Soon, I felt a strong chest hit me. Jumping, I turned myself around with wide eyes as the music quickly faded away from my mind, bringing back the city buzz. "You looked cheerful, did I interrupt?" He asked with an expressionless face.
"Ah- well, no not exactly. But I didn't know someone else was going to be here." I explained myself painfully awkward.
"Of course you didn't, but here I am. I always come here." Lei spoke softly but firmly, it was quite peculiar actually. Those two tone of voices, so very distinct but used at the exact same time by huaze lei.

"Can I stay?" I asked, already eyeing my beige school bag since I could feel that he liked being here by himself. He nodded slightly, almost hesitantly, that's only thing he did. I just smiled and thanked him quietly before taking a seat on the big block shapes made out of concrete. We sat there in silence for a few minutes, as each second ticked the awkwardness grew little by little. "You play really well." I said finally breaking the sharp moments of no sound.
"Thank you, you're not so bad yourself." It was stone cold. What happened?

          This is a totally different person from the one I met this morning. Is this even the huaze lei I argued over music about? My thoughts kept passing through, confusing myself as the more came. Lively and friendly, cold and distant. That was him. But why? Is he really this double sided, or is he pretending?
It's so contradicting. After a while of more small talk, we went back inside and prepared ourselves for once again, class. After the period was over, I made my way around the halls trying to find two people specifically. They must know why he's so terribly confusing.
Feng Meizou, Ximen Yan, where are you?

SYMPHONY. [ HUAZE LEI / 花泽 类 ]Where stories live. Discover now