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Hey angels! I'm back with another update! I hope you guys had a wonderful christmas/holiday <3
please start the song as soon as you begin reading!


It took me a few seconds to wrap my head around what he had asked. "Uhm.." I paused for a minute, staring up at him and probably making a fool out of myself.
"If you don't want to, I'm not going to force you to go on a walk with me." Lei said, making me shake my head. "No, it's not that. I do.. I do want to go walk I just wasn't expecting you to ask that."

"How come? Do you not get nice gestures often?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. I once again shook my head at his remark. "It's not that." I got up from the bench and walked into the sand, followed by Lei doing the same and starting our walk. In my head, thoughts were racing to find a solution: should I tell him how terribly confusing he is?
"It's just.. walking in the beach at night. Doesn't it sound a bit romantic to you?"
"Maybe. Maybe what you're trying to say is that I seem like a person who wouldn't normally pull off something romantic, hm?" He questioned, turning to face me a bit as we walked, our feet sinking into the beige ground and the sand getting in between our toes.

I puzzled slightly, biting down on my lip. "Not really, I feel like you're the type of person who people feel attached or attracted to, not only for your looks but.. your mentality? personality?"
"It's not good to get attached to me, romantically." Lei retorted quickly, his eyes fixated on the land in front of him. I raised an eyebrow, "Why?"
"I'm not for anyone. Simple as that."

"Everyone has a soulmate, you know. Whether you already know who they are or you are yet to meet them, they're out there, waiting for you. Maybe you just... haven't met them yet." His eyes shot to me, stopping briefly in his tracks before continuing his leisurely pace from before. "I don't know. What do you think? Do you think I've met my soulmate yet?"
"How could I ever know that? You're Huaze Lei, not me. If you were to meet your soulmate right now, what do you think would happen?" I asked him, making a confused face at him.

Lei thought for a moment before speaking. "I'm not sure." I smiled to myself slightly, though I wasn't sure why I was.
"You could fall in love with anyone and then it's up to destiny to reveal whether they're your soulmate or not." I mentioned, the smile still on my lips. "But while you're on the search.." I made my way to the water and put my feet against the waves. "You should enjoy the experiences." The smile grew and I kicked some water at him.

He stopped for a moment before a small laugh escaped his lips and he came to the water as well, kicking the salty liquid right back. I laughed, splashing him a bit more, running away a bit as he got ready to repeat his past actions. "You're the one who started this, why are you running away?" he asked in between laughs, I shrugged and kept laughing. "I don't know, you tell me!"
Lei cupped some water in the palm of his hands and started to make his way over to me, I shook my head, "Please! Haha..!" In one of those steps I slipped, landing in the water and drenching half of my shirt and shorts.

          It took us both a quick second to register what had happened before we bursted into laughter once again. "Ahh damn it! Now I gotta change.." I giggled, standing up.
"You're going to catch a cold if we continue this walk. You're soaked." Lei mentioned, shaking his head with a soft chuckle.
"But it's still so nice outside.."
"Still you'll regret it in a few days."
"Okay fine.. but uhm, Lei?" I put a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"Can we go on another walk sometime?"
"Yeah, of course. I promise to take you on another walk by the beach soon."

          I chuckled, feeling my cheeks heat up, for sure dusting a shade of pink across my pale skin. I nodded, whispering a soft "okay" at his statement.
"We should get going back to the beach house, though."
"You're right. Let's go." I agreed, walking away from the salty water and starting our way back to the others. Suddenly, I felt a warm fabric on my back and around my shoulders, I turned to see Lei without his jacket. "You'll get sick if you don't stay warm. It's a bit wet from our little battle a few minutes ago but it's better than your drenched shirt." I paused for a second, before turning my head away with the blush on my cheeks burning now. "Thank you.."

          We continued on with our walk back to the beach house, both of us walking next to each other in silence. But it was enjoyable. It wasn't awkward, not like it was on the rooftop that one time. Words weren't needed at that moment, the silence and the sound of the crashing waves on the shore was just enough for the both of us. The scent of his cologne filled my nose as I pulled his jacket closer to my person, my cheeks still rosy as ever.
Before we knew it we were at the house's doorstep.
"Thanks for the walk, y/n.. it was actually enjoyable." Lei smiles gently at me, making me return the gesture with a smile right back. "Yeah of course, I really liked it too."

          Lei opened the door for both of us to go in. Inside we found Daoming Si, Meizou and Ximen watching television.
"And where were you two lovers off to for so long?" Meizou asked teasingly, making me blush even more than before.
"It wasn't even that long, we were only taking a walk on the beach.." I retorted quickly, sticking my tongue out at him.
"Sure thing, and that's why you have his jacket on?" He grinned, letting a chuckle out and earning chuckles from Ximen and a scoff from Si. "She got wet and she would've gotten sick if we didn't stay warm."
"Alright lovers, whatever you say."

         We shook our heads and I slid off his jacket, holding it out for him to take. Lei looked at it, "Keep it. You can return it to me tomorrow."
I just nodded my head, hiding my raging pink cheeks with the fabric of the article of clothing. Afterwards I made my way to the bathroom to take another shower and brush my teeth after doing so. I was exhausted and it didn't take long for me to be off to dreaming once I laid my head on the soft pillows, Shancai on the bed next to mine and already deep into her sleep.

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