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"We're gangsters" Sungwoon said

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"We're gangsters" Sungwoon said

"Criminals" Ongwoo said

"Assassins" Guanlin's deep voice continued

Holy crap. Holy crap- hold the fuck up! THEY'RE GANGSTERS? The popular guys are all gangsters?? Even Daniel?! How can I not know that??

"Wait, what.. Wait how- I'm so confused. You're ALL criminals right now? Like... My dad? H-how aren't you.. Killed or captured? Well like, no offense.. " I asked confusingly

"We're professionals. Just because your dad is the biggest mafia doesn't mean he's the strongest. We trained hard." A voice said from the right

I looked and it was the guy that haven't introduced himself because he was dragged by Jinyoung.

"I'm Jisung, leader." He said and I widened my eyes

I bowed towards him lightly and he did the same. Well, that's embarrassing. But this situation is much more confusing than BTS theories.

"Wait, Daniel. You're a part of this too?! And you never told me?!" I turned back at him and his eyes were shaking

"Well, I have to keep it a secret." Daniel said with his nervous voice

"Ugh... But can I at least go back home to like... Take stuff and others? Like, I need to say goodbye to my house too." I said

"No need. Daniel and Jihoon got it here already. You'll take that cubicle and your stuff is in that red Locker over there." Jinyoung pointed at his cubicle

I raised my eyebrows as I exchanged my gaze from the room to Jinyoung.

"What?? Then where will you sleep?" I asked

"One of us has to guard for the night. I'm on duty, so take my room." He said

"Well, if your tired just wake me up so I can scoot over or something." I said which in my opinion, is embarrassing.

"Yeah, that can be managed later." Jinyoung chuckled

The other members walked away and do their things, leaving me and Jihoon in the middle of the room. Ugh, why does this feel so awkward. How the hell am I gonna be living with eleven guys? This is unbelievable and they won't even let need come to MY house.

I wanna escape.

"Listen, I'm sorr-"

"Where and how can I escape?" I cut him off


"I need to escape from this place and go home. I mean, you can't be seriously thinking that my dad just died yesterday and now I have to live with eleven guys, in a place I don't even know?" I ranted in front of him

"So will you help me? Like, that's enough problem for two days only. I just want to go home." I pleaded, putting on my cutest face

He raised and eyebrow at me, then chuckled, "You want home? I'll take you there." He said and dragged me by the wrist

I was 'yes-ing' myself inside and cheered for my victory. Not until my body suddenly felt being thrown and I let out a squeal at how he then pushed  me which causes to fall. But not to the floor, no. But to the ball pit -- Jinyoung's room.

I sort of drowned cause he threw me hard so I tried my best to get up but my legs ended up stuck and my body is the one that's able to show itself.

"You traitor!" I exclaimed and frowned at him

"Tch, you can't and will NEVER leave this place." He said

"Ugh, you're hopeless." I throw my head back and rolled my eyes

I tried to get out of the ball pit, but I can't. The only thing that happened is that the ball went out from the pit because I was moving too aggressive. I grunt as I can't even stand.

"Need some help?" He offered his hands

With one cold look, I took it roughly and tried to get up. When I finally could, I went out of that sick ball pit. Can't believe I'm going to be sleeping there tonight.

Jihoon's hand was still holding mine and we were facing each other while the ball pit was on our side. I gave a smile and he replied with the same.

Time for revenge.

"Thanks for helping anyway." I gave a bigger smile and he did the same

"Yourwel-" He was cut off because I pushed him harshly to the ball pit until he was the one that sinked.

"Hey, you're a traitor as well!"

"Oh well, Karma's a bitch." I said, following the trend thing as well as turning back, not forgetting to flip my hair and walked away.

I squinted my eyes to find someone or something more interesting. I looked around the base and each cubicles. Everytime I look at one of them, I always chuckled.

Gangsters, huh?

I laughed when  I passed by Jihoon's room. It was filled with soft and fluffy pillows. Not forgetting that there was a bunch of stuffies as well as the polar bear guarding his room outside which I find cute.

Just like the person.

But seeing the soft fluffy pillows, I can't help but to throw myself in there and snuggled between the pillows. Not gonna lie, this room smells good too. Ah, so nice. I closed my eyes to get the feeling of comfy-ness.

"Enjoying my room that much?" The annoying voice appeared again which made me open my eyes

"Oh whadda you know, it's the guy that drowned because of karma." I said sassily

"Shut up" He went inside and lay himself beside me

I wanted to object, but this was his room so I didn't dare. In fact, I should be the one who gets out of here but I'm already in this so comfortable position and it's hard for me to move even an inch of my body.

So instead, I stayed there. And it's not like he mind, he was distracted by his phone. Oh wait, that reminds me. I need my phone. I checked my pocket but it wasn't there. Did I lost it? Oh, or did they put it in the red locker? I should ask Daniel.

But I'm at the state where I can't move. How am I going to get up. Agh, you know what, fuck it. Phones are better than fluffy pillows. I helped myself up and Jihoon averted his gaze to me.

"Where are you going?" He asked

"I'm going to take my phone" I said and turned back but before I could, I was dragged again by him which caused me to fall in the pillows.

Oh how I want to be so mad but I can't.

"Jihoon!" I gasped a little because of shock

"Hehe, you're phone is submitted to Jaehwan. He's checking it if it has any shits, you know." He said

"Wait, He's hacking my phone?!" I questioned

"Well, not exactly hacking. He's just... Taking over your phone for a while." He smiled awkwardly while my jaw dropped.

"Dude, that's like the same thing. Jaehwan hacks? Cool. I thought he was like.. A music person. I saw a guitar inside his room."

"Well surprisingly, he's good at techs too."

"What do you do?" I asked

"Me?" I nodded

It was silent for about a while but I still waited for his answer. But what he said next made me widened my eyes.

"I kill"

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