15|Problematic trauma

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"Eat." He demanded

I pouted. Yes, the food in front of me looks delightful and I'm sure anyone would eat it. But then again, I'm not in the mood.

Also, I didn't went to school today. Only Guanlin, Woojin, and Daehwi went to school. Daniel decided to stay with me and took care if me while Jinyoung stayed incase something happened to me. Jihoon stayed because what happened yesterday made him nauseous... I don't even know but I do understand that he has a lot in his mind.

"I'm not in the-"

"Byeol, please eat. I want you to get better but it's hard seeing you not eat. Eating helps you to be healthier quick so please.. " Daniel begged and I bit my lips

"Daniel, I promise I'll eat it later." I lied

"No. You have to eat right now. I'm going to be staying with you and if you don't eat now, I might as well feed you myself." He said as he had his arms crossed on his chest

"But, Daniel-"

"1" He counted and I rolled my eyes

"Daniel, I-"

"2" I groaned


"Fine, I'll eat it, okay?! Geez." I pulled the tray back towards me and looked at the food.

I averted my gaze from the food to him and he was looking at me, waiting for me to eat the food. I sighed and picked up the food.

I really don't want to do this.

I took one scoop of the rice and then the meat. Before I put it inside my mouth, I looked at him. He was getting impatient. I put the food inside my mouth and I instantly want to throw it out.


Because it's so tasteful. Too tasteful that I got sick of it. I even find it hard to chew it so I stood up from the bed and took a napkin instantly. Daniel stood up too and walked towards me.

"Byeol?! Are you okay?" I put my mouth on the napkin and start to spit out the food.

"Oh my gosh, I'll call Jinyoung, okay? Stay here." He said

I only nodded and kept spitting until there was no rice left and that I have erased all of them tasteful beings inside my mouth.


"What is wrong with me?" I asked Jinyoung directly after I drank the water Daniel gave me.

"Well, I have to ask you one thing." He said and I nodded

"How long haven't you ate any food?" He asked

"Three days?" I answered questioningly as I don't remember myself

"Ah, I know what's gotten in to you!" He said then me and Daniel leaned forward to him when he continued his sentence

"You see, you haven't eaten in three days. Which means, you haven't tasted any flavor of food. Bow that you ate one after a quite long time, your tounge can't easily adapt to the flavor." He said

"So I have to stop eating to prevent that from happening?" I asked

"No, you have to do the opposite." Jinyoung said and I raised my eyebrows

"Eat tasteful foods? Bro, didn't you see that I spit that thing out of my mouth?" I said

"Exactly. Your tounge should get your flavors back. By eating tasteful foods may make your tounge adapt normally again and when you get used to it, you won't get sick." He explained and I sighed

I was actually planning not to eat any food.

"What do you think she should eat?" Daniel asked

"Hmm, start of with something easy like... Ramen, maybe?" He said

"Okay then, I'll cook you ramen. Stay here." Daniel sister to me and pecked my forehead

Yeah, that became normal because he did it often. I don't mind anyway. Daniel went outside of the room and Jinyoung looked at me with grin. I only looked at him weirdly.

"What?" I asked

"I actually thought you were getting along with Jihoon. But, you're with Daniel now, huh?" He asked and I almost choked on air.

"What?! Me and Daniel aren't a couple. That was just a best friend action. And why do you suddenly mention of Jihoon?" I asked

"He's been worried about you. He kept blaming himself because he was too late to save you." Jinyoung sat at the edge of the medical bed.

"I'm now worried about him. If only I didn't skip school. I wouldn't end up like this and hurt Jihoon. He doesn't deserve this." I said

"Don't say that. You both don't deserve any of this. Both of you were just... In a wrong place and in a wrong time." He said to lighten up the mood.

"Thank you, Jinyoung. But... All of this started because of me. I should've known better than to come home late." I said

"Don't say that, please. I'm sorry that I brought you into this. I'm sorry that we all brought you up into this. I'm sorry that I couldn't save you." We suddenly heard a voice from the door.

When we looked, it was Jihoon. I suddenly wanted to cry hearing his shaky voice. No, none of this was never his fault. It was mine.

"No, Jihoon. You should stop saying that. It's not your fault, okay? I started all of this." I said

"Can we all just move on and blame it on Chan... " Jinyoung said to change the topic but it didn't work

"No. I was too late to save you. I was always too late. Only this time I got a second chance. But back then? I never did. I'm really sorry, Byeol." He said and I can feel his body tremble.

"Jihoon-" I stood up from the bed but he quickly made a stop sign.

"Don't!" He said shortly and I froze in my spot.

"No... Don't go around me anymore." He said and left the room

I was about to chase him, but I suddenly felt like I lost my energy. I felt like I lost everything. Jinyoung pushed me slowly down to the bed. I was still processing every inch of every word that Jihoon said.

"B-back then? What does he mean?" I mumbled and furrowed my eyebrows.

I suddenly heard Jinyoung's sigh, "I'm sorry about him. I believe his traumatic experience got to him." He said and covered me with blanket again.

"Traumatic experience?" I asked again

"He lost a girl once. Just like you, he was too late to save her. Only this time, you aren't dead or killed. But her? The case... Wasn't pretty. She left a big spot in his heart. He loved her a lot." Jinyoung explained

"He loved someone before?" I asked

"Byeol, we at least love one person in our lives." He smiled and then the sound of the door opened, revealing Daniel with a dashing ramen on his hands.

Jinyoung turned back to me and smiled, "I'll get going now. Eat up, Byeol." He patted my head and walked away, not forgetting to thank Daniel.

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