Lost and Found

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He yawned as his eyes opened, blinking the sleep away as he gave his chops a lick. He looked out to see the moon and its luminous lighting painting the earths surface with gentle glow. He got up, giving his back an arched stretch, a deep crack and a grunt of pain. He walked to the exit with caution, trotting out of the tree and quickly bounding into the forest. He entered his camp, it was empty.. the scent was stale. He inhaled it, facing the direction of the scent and followed it.

"Help me!" A young voice broke the silence, Jupiter's mane fluffed out defensively and without hesitation, he went with instinct and raced to the voice. He drew his lip back as he saw 3 monsters jaws attempting to break a barrier to reach the voice, he lunged forward with a bark that can intimidate the bravest of warriors. He felt his teeth sink into the back of the neck of soft flesh, he gave a strong snap of his jaws and crushed their neck, feeling the yelp be cut short and the body going limp. He threw the body towards the other monster and lunged to it like a dog protecting his territory, his jaws snapped at the muzzle and his paws smacking the creature aside causing them to stumble off balance, the third monster lunged onto his back, tearing nothing but fur off the back of his neck, he writhed and shook his head, before slamming his side against the rock, causing his attacker to stumble off his back and in this quick vantage point he swung his jaws around and quickly crushed the wolves paw, causing a howl of pain to echo rustle and disturb a flock of birds to quickly evacuate the area.

He tossed the wolf over his shoulder, the creature letting a discomforting grunt out as it slammed into the other grounded wolf. He let out a deep growl, causing the wolves to whimper and scurry off. Jupiter panted softly, facing the cornered pup who hid into the undergrowth. "You're safe now." He let out comfortingly, as he used a paw to push a defiant branch away to let the captive limp out. A young ball of puppy fluff tumbled from the branches and looked up to face his Alpha, he didn't waste a second and quickly buried his body into the safety of the black wolfs pelt.

"I.. I just ran. I was scared. They came out of no where and and.. " he choked up as he nuzzled into the soft fluff of fur, Jupiter using a paw to protectively cover him. "Don't worry. I will keep you safe, just. where is the pack?" He let out softly, the pup looking up, his eyes round with sadness.

"They. I.. I think they are gone..." he choked up. Jupiters eyes round with disbelief, he gave a small whine. "We need to find shelter. The woods are too dangerous, especially at night." Jupiter hissed as he nudged the pup away, standing tall, he gave his tattered mane a quick shake to dispose of leaves and undergrowth. The pup gave a stammer, "Ju.. Jupiter.. can.. I ride on your back?" He mumbled softly, his paws digging at the dirt, "I.. twisted my hind paw running.." Jupiter laid his stomach to the ground and gave permission for the young pup to hitch a ride.

Jupiter trotted our the forest, his ears pricked for danger and quickly bounded out the forest as he saw light, trotting against the vast land in the open. "It smells funny" the young pup gave a wrinkle of his nose and growled, "Its the city. Used to be populated with humans and domestics. But now.. it's just vacant land belonging to those who fell under insanity and turned rabid and those who hide in the dark surging." Jupiter barked quietly, trotting out farther, seeing the sun come up slowly.

Hours passed as Jupiter left the forest with the cruel sun beating down on their pelts, his ears pricked when he caught a scent of fresh rabbit. His mouth watered as he realized how hungry he was, he inhaled it, slowly gaining the scent trail, and began to track it.

"Jupiter no! Their might be monsters!" The young pup whined hiding his brown snowy fur in Jupiter's sleek black pelt. Jupiter stood tall and barked out, "Anyone home?" 

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