Lost and Broken

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Jupiter laid in awe, he strained to upright himself. He limped heavily out the safety of the tree trunk, he let his eyes soak in his environment. 'I don't recognize this place' he thought to himself, the lake glittering against the pelting rain, he gave a lick to his chops the moment his stomach churned with hunger. He turned his head to the face the thick forest of trees, his shoulder burned as the gash on his shoulders scab began to break slightly, He limped to the forest, crouching down to face a rabbit nibbling undergrowth, unaware of his presence.

He was about to pounce before a flash of white scooped up the rabbit into their jaws and a faint sound of bones breaking. "Kikimora-" he growled softly "I'm not helpless, I can get my own meals." He limped over to face the graceful wolf, who dropped the limp rabbit.

"You opened your wound. It will get infected if you keep moving like this, so go lay back down." She said sternly, her eyes flashing with a glint of sparkles. He didn't argue, limping back to the tree trunk, circling the moss as he laid down. She followed behind him and pressed a paw to the cut, she narrowed her gaze before turning away to her herbal garden.

He pulled his head up, his ears pricked to attention, his fur fluffing out from the rain with the faint scent of wet fur filling his nose. He turned his head to the limp rabbit, his mouth watering at the scent. He picked it up, placing it between his paws before biting into at an angle, letting the warm taste of meat fill his mouth. He chewed as he watched Kikimora using her paws to mash the herbs into a substance easily taken, in a homemade bowl of rock and paste.

He spat out the fur left in his mouth from his meal, cleaning the fuzz left under his paws. He looked up to see Kikimora laying down the bowl beside him, "Drink." She said sternly as she sat back, her tail curled neatly around her legs.

"No way am I drinking that! It smells like scavenger food!" He barked, his voice edged with retort. "Drink it now." Kikimora hissed at the defiant alpha, he let his ears fall flat on his head as his mane ruffled with suspicion. She nosed the bowl in front of his paws, he gently pulled it closer, lowering his muzzle into the bowl and lapped at the remedy, his muzzle wrinkled as the strong scent of sour like garlic and flower filled his nose.

"Now lay on your side." Kikimora said as she used a paw to push the bowl away from the injured wolf, he kindly obliged, knowing she wasn't to be messed with. She placed a rock that appeared of silver iron to his chest, her eyes closed as she inhaled, opening her eyes to reveal a clean slate of dark green. "Dea Hecate! Audire verba! Adiuvare me panaces!" She hissed those words out, her words echoing against the walls, as if others spoke through her.

His body stiff, unable to move, his eyes wide. He felt a fire burn his shoulder, he wanted to cry out for her to stop but it continued. He felt his stomach churn, he slammed his eyes shut, begging for it to end.

"Now. You should be alright."

He opened his eyes, he felt his body burn, he looked up to her, tired. "What did you do to me." He hissed through gritted teeth, sitting up. He felt his shoulder wounds pain fade, he looked to it, giving it a hard lick, "My... cut?" He looked up to face Kikimora, who gave a small grin before turning off, "Now. You can leave by sundown. You have a pack to find." She spoke gently before leaving the den.

He laid his head down, his eyes heavy with sleep trying to speak to her. "Wai..." he whined out before his eyes fell and sleep consumed him.

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