Sly Foxes to New Friends

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Jupiter trotted out the room and moved to the side to let Sumiki bound into the clearing. "I'm gonna learn to hunt!" Cheerfully barked as he began to trot in circles of excitement. Jupiter growled for the pup to quiet down, "Sumiki, we won't be able to hunt if you scare it all away." Sumiki then quieted down as he trotted along side the large wolf, he sniffed softly at the ground, Jupiter tasted the air.

"What do you smell Sumiki." Jupiter spoke, Sumiki twitched his nose as he took in the scents. "I don't smell anything but.. grass?" He gave a pout. Jupiter chuckled, "stick your nose in the air and breathe." He said as he freely did so. Sumiki followed his demonstration and his eyes went wide, "I smell.. fox? Rabbits.." he purred his words as the feeling of hunger tickled his sides.

"Can you track the direction the smell is coming from?" Jupiter whispered as his hazel gaze shot through the trees, skimming the area and staying alert. Sumiki nodded and bounded forward, dipping into the bush and into the woods, Jupiter followed behind closely.

Jupiter snapped his ears up, gentle breeze brushing through his fur as he halted, "Stop, Sumiki." He drew his lips back into a snarl, his neck fur bristled as Sumiki scampered under him. "I can smell you." Jupiter snapped, the smell of hostility choked him as a fox emerged from the bush, a glare in their eyes as they gave a flick of their tail.

"What? It's an easy meal." The fox spoke softly, Sumiki growled at the Fox in retort. "I would've torn your throat out if you even moved a muscle towards him." Jupiter barked.

The smell of fox grew stronger, his ears turned back as he heard soft paw steps crunching the leaves around them, Jupiter lowered his head to Sumiki, snarling his words quietly. "Run back to Kikimora." The pup nodded and slipped away undetected by the fox and into the wilderness to find the herbal hut.

Soon Jupiter was surrounded, his eyes wild as he drew his lip back into a violent snarl. "Now don't take this personally, but.. we're hungry." Cooed the fox as it then pounced, the others closed in, Jupiter standing on his hind legs and smacked the fox away as sharp teeth sink into his thigh, he fell back on his paws and have his hind leg a shake as he whipped his head around grabbing the neck of orange and swinging it overhead with ease, shaking himself loose of hold, a fox kept onto his shoulders and began to tear away at his neck fur, a shower of black patches fell to the ground as he then violently shook his back. The fox fell off, his shoulders as he swatted an approaching opponent, the fox ducked and chomped down on his paw, causing him yelp.

He then let his large teeth collide with the foxes head, the sound of bone breaking, the feeling of skin tearing as his teeth broke the bone, breaking into the brain. The foxes cry of pain was cut very short, the wolf violently slung him aside as he let his paws extend tackling a fox who attempted to lung away, his mouth locked around his ear, ripping away the skin, a splatter of blood painting his face, dropping the skin, spitting a mouth full of fur as blood soaked his face. Still being pummeled by attacks and bites, he whipped around, throwing a massive paw their way, letting it collide with a snarky fox.

He then began to be tackled, foxes ripping away at his fur, sharp teeth sunk into his back neck. He shook his pelt violently, claws and teeth scraping and wounding his skin as he then slammed his body against a tree, earning a yelp from himself as well of the foxes who were thrown into the tree.

His eyes wide, he felt his back hot with pain as he then gave a violent shake as he reeled back onto his hind legs, letting himself break free as he bounded off to the middle of the clearing. The foxes who still stood snarled, fur bristled, teeth bared.

He heard leaves rustle behind him, he turned his head but his sight was a blur, it all happened to quickly, a flash of blonde fur attacked him, the scent of dog filled his nose. The weight was heavy, he felt his neck being crushed but was then quickly loosened, Jupiter panted in fear, his tail immediately found its way to curl in between his legs.

He was dropped, sore pain like daggers in his shoulders. He glanced to the side and saw large paws, a heavy bark filled the air. "Loki, we told you to hunt rabbits, not dogs." The fox reeled back growling, a few cowering in fear.

He looked up and saw a large mastiff, he slowly crawled back, the dog glared down. "You're a strong fighter, but always protect the blind side." The mastiff nudged him to his paws. The height difference was nearly similar. The dog he stood by was slightly taller then him, but more overweight, the black mask on his muzzle to his eyebrows reminded him of a raccoon.

"Sorry for the foxes. They can be.. well sly." The mastiff gave a deep ruff. "I'm Gus, my brother, Charlie is nearby, tracking a deer." He gave a friendly lick of his own chops as he wagged his tail. "You are?" He asked kindly.

"Jupiter.." the wolf spoke softly, his neck and back sore with pain. The mastiff smiled, and nudged him in the direction deeper into the woods. "Come on, we can use you with hunting this deer." Jupiter felt his heart thus in his chest with confusion, he knew he couldn't stand a chance a large dog like that, let alone say no in fear of being attack so he just nodded.

The mastiff trotted in lead, as he spotted another one, slimmer and broad in the shoulders. "Charlie! We got help." He barked as quietly as he could, revealing Jupiter as Charlie just glared. "Gus, I could've done this on my own." He turned his head to look into the distance, spotting the deer.

"Charlie, he can help, he's used to this stuff, like hunting! So just let him try." Gus gave a growl, Charlie stepped back but still filled with dominance, "Then let him." Jupiter gulped, his tail gave a curl as he ducked into a hunters crouch, his ears perked as he scooted forward, he used his weight to channel it into his balance, intimidated by the audience of large dogs around him.

He crept forward, he looked to the deer, hiding in the undergrowth. He kept his tail still as he watched the nimble animal eat grass, he gave his hind a small push, as he lunged perfectly, his claws extended, teeth bared, the deer was in a shock, unable to move, he could see its legs give in fear in a failed attempt to run, he locked into its back neck, the deer gave a cry out, its legs kicking violently to break free.

He pinned the animal down, the legs kicking violently. He growled and struggled to get a proper lock in, his teeth broke skin, finally sinking into its muscle. He gave a violent chomp of his jaws and sunk in, snapping the bone successfully. He stood up cautiously with the heavy morsel of meat hanging from its jaws. He looked over to the mastiffs, the look of suprise painted their face.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2018 ⏰

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