New Restrictions - 1

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This is set after the events of Miraculous Ladybug Season 2.

Adrien stared hard at the envelope his father's assistant, Nathalie, had placed on his desk before him.  She'd left him with the envelope only moments ago.  Go figure; his father couldn't just come in and talk to Adrien in person.

Adrien opened the envelope and pulled out a tri-folded letter, with another sheet of paper folded neatly around the back.  He carefully separated the papers and read the letter first.  It was cold, professional, and straight to the point, written in his father's all-too-familiar, loopy handwriting.

Dear Adrien,

To this letter, I've attached a more digestible list of new restrictions I've placed on you.  Due to your missing curfew for the past two nights and spending too much time on the computer looking at the Ladyblog and pictures of Ladybug instead of focusing on your modeling career, I've decided to forbid you from using the internet.  Nathalie will give you a new phone with all your old numbers in it that can only text and talk, with no distracting games allowed.  In addition, you will leave your room for photoshoots only.  As per Nathalie's request, I've bought you a robot that you can control from your computer so you can still "attend" school.

I expect you to adhere to these new restrictions without protest of any kind.


Gabriel Agreste

Adrien stared, shocked, at the letter.  He read it once, then twice, then three times and counting.  He then looked at the list which contained a short breakdown of the letter.

Item one: No Ladyblog/Ladybug Pictures/Internet

Item two: Talk-and-Text-Only Phone.

Item three: Restricted to Room.

It was at that point that Nathalie, without speaking, opened his door and handed him a phone exactly like his, with the same case and everything, and took his old one from him.  He hardly protested, his mind numb.  He didn't even wonder how she knew he'd read it.

"Adrien?" Plagg asked, flying back and forth in front of Adrien's face, waving his arms.  Adrien snapped back to real life.


Plagg shook his head.  "What does the note say," Plagg asked.  Adrien handed the note and shoved his hands into his hair.  Great.  Just great.

When Plagg had finished reading the letter and list, he was furious.  "Why would your father do something like this??!!  You're not a baby!  He can't do this!"

"He can, Plagg.  Don't make it worse."

Plagg huffed angrily, surprised Adrien wasn't mad when he was simply livid.  Plagg shook his head.  "You doing okay there, Plagg?" Adrien asked.

Plagg took in a deep, shaky breath, clenching his tiny fists.  "Can I go see Tikki before I break something...or worse?" He gritted his teeth.

Adrien's head perked up.  "Tikki, as in, Ladybug's kwami?!"

"Yeah.  And no, you can't go with me."

Adrien looked down sadly.  He sighed and waved his hand, letting Plagg leave.  Plagg phased through Adrien's wall and went out into the Parisian air to find Ladybug.  If only Adrien had the same liberty his companion did.

He looked through the contacts that were on his new phone, trying to find someone to talk to, someone to listen.  He almost texted Nino, but he decided that Nino would march to his house and demand he be released.  He didn't want that at all.  His father would get mad, Nino would get kicked out, and the restrictions would be increased.

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