Confusion - 5

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Adrien Agreste, her crush. But there was Chat Noir. She'd always only liked Adrien, but it was impossible to deny her growing feelings for Chat! Oh, if only they were the same person! she thought.

She put the thought aside and felt herself drift into sleep. Just as she felt herself begin to really relax, though, a shrill scream shattered the silence of the night.


Marinette groaned as she dragged herself from her bed.  It was almost 11 o'clock at night, and she reminded herself that she had school in the morning.  She rubbed her eyes and stepped out onto her balcony, closely followed by Tikki (and Plagg, for some reason) and surveyed the scene.

People were running away from a brightly-colored villain with large glasses and a muted black-and-white-striped tuxedo.  The glasses appeared to shoot lasers, and if a laser hit a person that person would bend over and immediately begin examining the nearest thing.  All over Paris people were already intently staring at everything from the blades of grass poking up from a sidewalk crack to the little holes in their own garments.

"I wanted to learn everything that I could," the villain shrieked.  "But there is not enough time in this world for one person to know everything there is to know!  Go forth, and tell me what you observe!"

The purple butterfly outline appeared over the villain's face.  "How about we learn more about Ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculous," Papillion suggested.  "Very little is known about them.  You could make revolutionary discoveries."

The villain smirked and continued to shoot Parisians with lasers.

Marinette took in a deep breath and tried to process the scene before her.

The akuma was most likely in the glasses.

Chat Noir was not present at the time.

And Marinette heard a thump coming from Adrien's room.

She darted back inside and headed across the hall to Adrien's room, completely missing Tikki and Plagg sharing a startled look.  Tikki and Plagg phased into Adrien's room and hid before Marinette got in.

"A-Adrien?" she asked quietly.  "Are you okay?  I heard a noise."

Adrien was on his back on the floor (shirtless!) holding his head with a groan.  "Mari?" he said groggily.

Marinette's heart leaped into her throat and it took everything she had not to turn tail and run back to her room.  Not only had he called her 'Mari', but his voice was languid and laced with sleep, and it was attractive.  That and the fact that his toned body was now brought to Marinette's attention without a shirt to block―


Marinette snapped out of her trance.  "Y-Yeah?"

Adrien was still half-asleep and definitely didn't know what he was doing.  He rolled so that his back was flush against the floor.  He stretched lightly and grinned at Marinette.

"A-Adrien," she said quietly.

"Hmm?" he smirked, stretching a different direction.  Why he was enjoying this, Marinette had no idea.

"There's an akuma," she whispered, her mind turning to mush.  Adrien's eyes widened and he jumped off the floor, rushing over to her.  Suddenly not a trace remained of whatever persona Adrien had inhabited while on the floor, and the change startled Marinette slightly.

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