Extended Stay - 3

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"My dad...he found out I'd snuck out. He's looking for me." Adrien folded his arms and let out a shaky sigh. "I don't think I can go home."  


Sabine put a hand sympathetically on Adrien's shoulder.  The motherly touch comforted him, and he calmed a bit.

"We have a guest bedroom upstairs if you wanted to stay," Sabine offered.

"No, I can't do that to you.  I'll get a hotel under a fake name or something.  People do it on TV all the time," Adrien sighed.

Marinette huffed.  "Adrien, I insist."

"How much do you want for rent?" Adrien asked, digging in his pocket for his wallet.  Marinette put her hand on his, taking it away from his pocket.  This action made both of them blush and Marinette quickly took her hand away, having successfully stopped Adrien from getting his wallet.

"If you're so worried about payment, you can always help us in the bakery," Tom said with a welcoming smile.

Adrien's eyes lit up.  "Really?!  Father has never let me work!  You'd really let me?!"

"Of course, Son," Tom patted Adrien on the back affectionately.  Adrien glowed at the nickname.

The model's face suddenly darkened as he realized something.  "I left all of my clothing and toiletries at my house.  I'll go out to get some.  I should have some time before the shops close."

"Relax, Adrien.  We have spare toiletries and we'll take you clothes shopping tomorrow.  If you want pajamas, Marinette can probably work something out," Sabine suggested.

Adrien smiled again.  "Thank you.  I can't ever repay you for this."

"Come on, Adrien.  I'll show you the guest room."  Marinette grabbed Adrien by the wrist and led him up the stairs and into the guest room.  She showed him where the bathroom was and gave him a little tour.

He knew a bit of her house from times he'd been there as Chat Noir and that time they played video games, but he didn't know they had a guest suite.  It was near the base of the stairs to Marinette's room.

"So...clothes.  Let me go see what I have in my room."  She smiled to herself as she left the guest room, and Adrien followed her.  She paused on the stairs, looking back at him, before looking back up at the trapdoor.  "Give me a moment," she said with a little smile.

Adrien could hear her shuffling around in her room.  He also heard hushed whispers of, "Hurry, Tikki!" and "It's not my fault you have this obsession!"

Tikki?  Isn't that Ladybug's kwami?  he thought with a small frown.

Before he had too much time to think, Marinette opened the trapdoor with a large smile and let him into her room.  "Here's what I have," she said, gesturing to a few shirts lying on her chaise.

"You have shirts my size?" he asked, surprised.

"It's a fashion designer thing I do.  I have a lot of different sizes because it helps me study the way industrial products handle sizing," Marinette stated.  Adrien marveled at her creativity as he took one of the shirts.  The shirt was light gray with green-eyed black cat faces on it.

"Thanks.  This should work."

"Do you need pants or anything for pajamas?" Marinette asked him.

"Do you have pajama pants?"

Marinette nodded, getting a small plastic box from her closet and pulling out several pairs of pajama pants.

Adrien looked through the array, checking the sizing to find something that would fit him.  He blinked when he saw one of the three sets of pants that would fit him.  She had pajama pants to match his shirt.  The little cat faces looked up at him, and he couldn't refuse a matching set his size, inspired by his alter ego, no less.

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