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Gunshots are the only sound that wakes me up. Peacekeepers, I think. its the way they make people listen to us, by threatening to shoot us to pieces, or torture us. The thought of something else, much worse, pops up in my head. Todays the reaping. 

"Jackson, cmon!" My dad loudfully whispers. He's a tall and lanky man, rushing to get his brown jacket on. My mother and my older sister are already out the door.

"SHIT!" I say to myself. Im still in my underwear, and if I don't come out in like 10 seconds, the Peacekeepers, if can even call them that, will kill you without a moments hesitation. I didn't even know why they're called that, since they have the "excuse" to be an asshole, they treat everyone except for their comrades like utter trash. Im zipping up my pants and putting my shows on, forgetting to put on my socks, when I hear some more gunfire. Last year some kid was shot to death by a Peacekeeper for not getting out their house in time. 

"C'MON, GET YOUR ASS'S OUT OF THERE!" I hear the commander of the squad say. He's commander Esillin, a guy, around 6'5, brown skin, and I disgustingly loud voice. 

"JACKSON C'MON" My dad says. I burst out the door like my life depends on it (which it does in this case) and sprint in the direction to the town's square, running like I was in an Hunger Games, where the other kids are at. I choose a random spot where the  18 year olds like me are and I slip in, like I was always there. Our escort, Lionel Estuarts, comes out just barley after I make it in the pool of other potential future tributes. If I'm picked, my sister can't volunteer for me since she's 19, and hardly anyone volunteers for anyone here. I haven't been alive for one. However, true story by the way, my uncle volunteered for my father when he was chosen to be in the 44th Games, since my uncle was 18 years old and my father was 16, and also out of love. He died in the finale when the last tributes were bombed by another tribute, killing 8 others besides my uncle. That was a year a girl from 3 won by doing hardly anything. Once she came to our district for her Victory Tour, she didn't even notice our grieving family. Sack of shit. 

"Hello Hello Hello!" Lionel says, which sounds wrong since two of us are going to be sent to our certain death soon. Behind him, I see the leaders of our district: Shakti Kaamuk, a very skinny and short man with a goatee who is also our mayor, and some other people I don't know. To the right of Lionel is our victors: Tule Roxen, the first one, and she's looking out in the fast faces, exited to see who out winner will be next, if we even get one this year, or anyone at all from now on. After her, theres Phox Yule, a girl resembling a fox that won only two years after her. We were very famous since we won twice in one decade. It may happen again, since its 66 ADD. not too late yet. Standing beside her, theres Greir Rollo, our first male victor, who won using brutal manner. Everyone loves him to death for his looks and for his humorous personality. 

Then, theres Alto Combe, easily the most skilled victor I've ever seen. He killed  7 CAREERS DURING HIS GAMES. HOLY SHIT. This was because since he killed a crap ton on tributes and the arena was so deadly that year, the dead were revived since the Gamemakers had their DNA. So pretty much they were mutts I guess? I don't know how that works, but they looked as if they never died. Alto received a vast amount of weapons from sponsors that encouraged him to go and look out for more tributes, and before we knew it, he killed 7 careers in total in 6 days, crowning him the victor. Lastly, theres Tiffany Waxler, some brat nobody likes. She acts like some sort of 10 year old spoiled brat. She's quite the master of using tomahawks, so I wouldn't underestimate her, but she's definitely a bitch, and everyone knows that. 

"The time has come to pick out male and female victor, in honor of representing out district in the newest Hunger Games!" Like I said, Lionel is the only one with a smile on his face. Everyone else doesn't look too happy, even the mentors, and half of them are just waiting for the damn thing to be over with. "First, we will pick the male tribute," There are around 290,000 names in there since everyone here has signed up for tesserae. Ive done it 14 or 15 times and I don't really regret it. Otherwise, my family would starve to death. My older sister did the same thing when she was in the age range to compete in the Games as well, and they encouraged me to do the same. Lionel picks a piece of paper right at the top of the stack of names, and unfolds it. "Our male tribute this year is, Jackson Spidell." My heart immediately sinks. I try to find my parents, in an attempt to run away, but before I can even try, some Peacekeepers grab my by the arms and take my up to the stand where I'm forced to see who will be picked next. I hardly know any girls, so if they die, it can't hurt that bad.

"And the female tribute this year is..." He reaches at the bottom of the female bowl and snatches a piece of paper out, unfolding it as well. "Elizabeth Wattson!" The girl that comes up is a girl, maybe 17, and looks as if she's on the verge of crying. I only take a moment to realize that I have a tear rolling down my cheek. "Well, you two, shake hands now!" Lionel says, and nudges us to touch hands and shake. We avoid eye contact. We're then taken into the Justice Building. Both of us are now in the custody of the Capitol now, and theres no way to stop it unless you get out of the arena alive. 

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