The alliance is falling (literally) (part 13)

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I don't think I'm exaggerating this, but this is easily the worst experience of my life, at this moment. After being literally blasted with snow, i hear a cannon. I hope Kaily's happy with her decision to leave. However, we're not doing so well either. After searching for shelter, we find a cave.

"Guys, look, a cave!" Bishop says. We try our best to run but its hard with our legs being numb. On top of that, the snow's not gone up to our knees, so we're pretty much forced to forcefully march there. Right when, we're about to reach the cave, a trap is set off. The ground gives in and we've fallen somewhere. My ass hits the ground and I open my eyes. We're sliding down a diagonal piece of ice. At the bottom of the sheet of ice, lays a pit with spikes, each one around 10 ft tall, ready to stab someone like the icicles that killed Ajax but much, much worse. 

"Grab on the ice!" Clyde yells, while sliding down, and takes his trident and stabs it in the ice and holds it, like he's handing off of a cliff, only not falling down since he grabbed a root or something from the ground that made him stay hanging. I decide to do the same, but my machete's gone. Sometime, somewhere, it has been lost. I remember I had it right before we fell down here, so it must have fallen down with me. Right when Bishop is about to plant his spear in the ice, I kick him away from the spear, grab it, and then plant it in the ice. He falls down and I see him get impaled by the spikes. I hear another cannon sound, signaling his demise. Thankfully, since everyone was so busy with saving their life, no-one but me and Bishop saw what I just did to him. However, they find out the someone besides Kaily is missing too.

"Wheres Bishop?" Mona asks. 

I know where he is. I pretend that I just found him and I say, "Look, theres Bishop!" I point my finger down and they see his dead body. I have no idea how the Peacekeepers will pick that body up. Right when I'm about to say something, I hear the same buzzing sound, and I already know that its the Capitol picking up the ship. However, they send Peacekeepers with their waists tied with rope, and other Peacekeepers are holding them. The Peacekeepers dip down and take Bishop's body away. I takes a bit of effort to get his body out of the spikes, but they do it, and return to the ship. I notice that one of the Peacekeepers has  splotch of blood on his shoulder, and he didn't get that when he picked up Bishop, so someone else has to have died. 

After hours of climbing out of that place, we take a moment to catch our breathes. I didn't notice this until now but the only thing that is hot right now is my arms. They're on fire, burning from all that effort and weight I put on them when I was climbing, and clinging on to stay. I guess the other Careers didn't notice that I was holding Bishop's spear, which would have indicated that I must have taken his weapon while we were falling. We all decide to take a rest, and I notice that Sophy is silently crying. Mona comes and tries to cheer her up. After knowing whats in the trap, we can get around it and get in that damn cave. Hope it was worth it. Whatever thats in there better be pretty fucking spectacular. Im very surprised that out of all of this, I'm still standing and half of the Career teams is already gone. I can tell by some of the Careers's faces that they're regretting having me there. But surprisingly, they don't say a word. I just get the vibe that they don't enjoy my company. Another cannon fires.

"Everyone, look!" Mona says. Theres also dead animals in this cave for some reason too. I wish we had something to cook it, but theres nothing to warm us up with. Its dark, so the anthem plays and we get to see who's dead. Ajax. Kaily. I guess she died from hypothermia. Bishop, and the boy from 9. We decide that after the anthem ends, we go to sleep.  

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