Arriving at the Capitol (part 4)

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"Hey, theres District 4. You can tell since its all water and boats" Elizabeth says. She's right. I wonder they do there besides fishing. Me and Elizabeth had come up with funny ideas to make a Hunger Games arena. For example, a Hunger Games were each sector has the weapons each that district has. For example, if I was in the District 1 sector, the weapons I would find would be a cloth to smuggle someone with and maybe hairspray to blind someone with. Districts 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, and 12 have actual weapons like Machetes, Pic Axes, Axes, electricity, bricks, Tridents, Sickles, etc. Since I was a breeder, I have very little experience with the only two weapons we have in District 10-machetes and knifes, to butcher dead animals. But its better than nothing. I only know hot to use one since my dad is one. 

"Okay. I have an idea. Yo see who you're competitors are, we'll watch the reaping of this year. Come" Greir says, and we pull up the video on the TV. First, from District 1, is a small boy who volunteers for a taller kid with a better build, which I find a little weird. The girl is reaped and no-one volunteers for her, which surprises me the most. From 2, both tributes are volunteers and they don't look too terribly nice. From 4, this district really catches my eye. The female tribute that volunteered was Mags Flanagan's granddaughter, Kaily Flanagan. She's very beautiful and the country adores her. Lots of tributes in the reaping are forgettable, especially from Districts 8, 9, 10, 12, etc. One that catches our eye is a male tribute from District 6 that is picked to be in this year's Games. He didn't want to be in it so badly that he's tackling Peacekeepers and getting smacked with batons by them, and he's literally thrown on stage to stand with the escort and his district partner, who looks very uncomfortable.

It really surprises me and it probably does to Elizabeth since we thought that the only real threats were from just 1, 2, 4, and maybe 7, 9 and 11 to a certain extent. I look out the window again and see where we are. District 3. The place is extremely polluted. I heard that their main industry is technology, which surprises me since I would think that they could use energy and this technology more efficiently by using solar panels and such. The tributes from that district didn't look too happy when they were reaped, except for the girl, who had a certain look t her face that made her look like she wasn't afraid to be in the arena. Maybe she's not and she's just trying to look mean, a common thing the careers do, so seeing it from another district looks out of place.

"Also don't ignore districts 5 and 3. They're so smart they could make contraptions and other things that could kill you. My district partner was killed like that from the District from 5 when I was in the arena, and I strangled both of those assholes to death myself. Anyways, that boy from 6 also doesn't look to nice, so watch out for him. Its a rarity anyone pays attention for District 6, unless we're talking about their victors of course. Nobody ignores them." Says Greir. I excuse myself and decide to take a nap before arriving at our destination. When I awake, I take a peek outside my window and see that we're almost at the Capitol. District 1. You can tell by the buildings there and they're all so exotic. However, the room darkens and the only thing I see out the window is darkness. 

"We're arriving at the Capitol guys. Get your stuff and we'll get out." Lionel says. The only thing I have to bring is my jacket and my token, which is a silver ring my mother gave to me. After the, I see that we've arrived at the station since a crowd of people that seems to be from the Capitol are cheering for us. We wave hello and step off the train. Around us, there are posters of previous victors, ceremonies, events, yotta yotta yotta. Theres a huge screen in the middle of the room of us being watched by Caesar and Claudius. Caesar looks weird as usual, with his eyelashes, hair, and lips all purple. I wave back at them and they laugh, waving back at me. I let out a smile by accident. Im only snapped back into reality when Greir pulls me to stay up with the others since we have to go in an apartment where every tribute, mentor, stylist, and escort stay at momentarily. 

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