Black dog 🐺

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Warning!!!: major bullying

Ashley ran down the corridors tears in her eyes. Goosebumps appeared on her arms as the cool air came in contact with her skin. She was out of breath but continued on running.

How could they do that to her? How could they?

She ran and ran and arrived in the Hogwarts ground. It was sundown so everyone was at the great hall eating. There was no one out side so she headed to her tree, as she liked to call it. It was her usual spot where she think things through or where she went when she wanted a quiet moment alone away from the castle's noise.

She sat down and started to cry her eyes out. They did it again, why couldn't they just live her alone? Always them, always Malfoy and his stupid gang. They're awful words still echoed in her head. Ugly. Fat. Too short. Flat boobs. Yellow teeth. Pimple-face. But the worst of all was the famous: MUDBLOOD.

They wrote it everywhere, on her school books, on her clothes, on all her belongings they could lay hands on. But today was different, they had cornered her after her last class. She was heading to go eat when they had appeared out of nowhere.

They had bring her to an empty classroom and put silencing spells on the walls. Then it started, they shouted insults at her. With the time she learned to tune their voices out but today was different. Before they always kept their insult vocal but not today.

A spell hit her square on the chest, then pain. Pain was everywhere. She couldn't stand it, she fell to her knees letting out a cry of pain. They laughed and after a few minutes the laughing stopped. She had opened her eyes to see that they had gone. So she got up and ran to where she was now.

She still didn't know what they had done to her thought, sure there was the pain but they wouldn't have just tortured her. Their must be a mark of they're passage somewhere on her body. They wouldn't live without letting their mark on her.

She looked up at the lake. Her vision was blurred and her lips were trembling, she tried to kept in sobs who wanted to escape her mouth.

Then her gaze fell on something. She couldn't quite see it because of the tears but it was big and black.

She blinked away some tears and saw what looked like a wolf. Her first thought was to get away from the thing before it attack her but she kept looking at it.

After a better observation she saw that it was simply a big black dog. But what was a dog doing here? As far as she knew there weren't much dogs around here.

The dog walked slowly to her it's head low. It came nudging her hand with it's snout. She started to pat it gently.

"Hey buddy what are you doing here?" She asked it scratching his head softly.

"Are you lost?" The dog laid beside her, his head on her lap.

"You're alone too, aren't you?" At that the black animal started licking her face. She laughed trying to make it stop. Then she sighed. The dog looked at her with a weird look in it's eyes, it looked like concern. Weird, she thought, she didn't know that animals could feel such a complicate emotion as concern.

"I wish I had a friend to keep me company." She said after a moment. It tilt it's head to the side looking at her in an intrigued way.

"I mean I'm alone, I have no friends." She tried to explain to it. The dog tilt it's head farther as if to say 'why'.

"Well I have no friends because people don't like me. I am not very interesting to be around. Well I guess people don't like to hang around girls who always keep their heads in a book. I am kind of a nerd." She said looking at the dog. It was looking up at her with its head on its front paws. She smiled a it.

"But you, you won't run away from me won't you?" She asked it patting its head. It gave a happy bark before cuddling more with her outstretched legs.

"You know it's good to have someone to talk to." She laid her head against the tree trunk behind her sighing.

"I wish someone knew, so they could stop them." She whispered. The dog scratched her leg with its front paw gently.

"They won't stop telling me mean things like 'you have an ugly face, I wish I would have never seen it.' I know it's not much but it hurt. But what hurts the most is when they take my stuff and write 'Mudblood' on it. They make sure that each time I open my books I see it written in capital letters." She give the dog a sad look, it whimpered making her furrow her brows.

"Do you understand what I am saying?" She asked. The dog couldn't understand could it? The black beast bark and licked her leg for answer.

"You know what?" She asked. The dog barked.

"I won't let them do. I will be so beautiful that they couldn't find anything to criticise about me, starting now!" She exclaimed. The dog barked and snuggle into her side. She continued on patting it.

"I have to find you a name." She said looking at her companion.

"Are you a male or a female?" She asked. She couldn't chose a name without knowing the gender of her new friend and she didn't want to look down there as she thought it would be violating the dog's privacy.

At her question the animal got up and started walking with its chest slightly puffed out and making all sorts of funny stunts. She laughed and nodded.

"Oh I see mister here is a true badass." She laughed as the dog start to jump and roll on the ground. It barked happily and came back besides her.

"Humm... I think.... Yeah! I found it. I will call you....humm." She looked at the dog laying with his head on her lap, he was eyeing her as if daring her to come up with a cute little name worth a Barbie doll.

"I will call you... Snuffles!" She exclaimed. The black beast give her a dog version of the 'really?' look.

"Yeah it's perfect don't you think?" She asked. The animal kept silent for a few minutes, as if thinking it trough, he finally gave a happy bark and started licking her face again.

"Stop stop!" She laughed. Then her stomach give a growl. They both stopped and listened as it did more noises.

"Guess I'm hungry." She said. She looked at the dog and at the castle then back at the dog. She wanted to go eat but she didn't want to abandon her new friend.

Then the dog started to push her side gently with its head.

"What, why are you... You want me to get up ok.... Now what.... Ok ok I get it stop pushing my legs or I will fall on you.... Where are we going.... That way okay.." She let the dog push her all the way back to the castle.

Arriving in front of the double doors he stopped. She turned around to face him and bent down on her knees so that they were at the same head level.

"Bye Snuffles, will I see you same time again tomorrow?" She asked patting his head. He gave a happy bark in response.

"Okay, see ya tomorrow!" She said giving it one last pat and walking inside of the giant wooden doors. She shot a look over her shoulder to see Snuffles watching her calmly go.

The corridors were silent and no one was in sight. Quickly Ashley made her way to the kitchens thinking about what had just happened. Weird, she thought.

While she made her way to the kitchens, outside we could see a big black dog trotting behind a bush and a few minutes latter out of that same bush walked a beautiful young boy with black hair and grey eyes.


An: hello! I just wanted to say: sorry for any mistakes English is not my strong language and this is my first story so please give me a chance. Thank you!

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