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Lily above.


A few days passed sense the transfiguration book drama and Ashley still hadn't found the book. She searched everywhere but no luck.

Apart from that her and the girls became good friends. She would meet up with Lily to study or have a gossiping session with Alice. They had redone their morning schedule, to Alice's request.

Now two of the girls would take their shower the night before and the other two in the morning. Anyway, it was a great change for her to have friends. She knew it sounded rubbish to think 'Hey, I have friends!' But she didn't because, guess what, she had friends for once in her life!! Well apart from Snuffles!

Thinking of him, she had to meet him tonight. She'd bring him two slices of pie to apologise. Maybe a chocolate bar too, the dog seemed to have a liking for sweets. She hadn't seen him in the past few days, maybe he got lost or chased squirrels a bit to far and couldn't find his way back.

She made her way to the great hall and sat at her usual seat. Sensing a burning gaze on the side of her face, she looked to her right. Her eyes fell in storm grey ones and her breath caught in her throat. She had forgotten how beautiful Sirius's eyes were. They stared at each other for what seemed like hours. She couldn't look away as if she was trapped in a storm of grey.

James Potter finally elbowed him smirking and Sirius broke the eye contact as if nothing appended and continued on talking to his friends. Ashley looked down at her plate a small smile that she didn't have the heart to suppress, on her lips.

She didn't know how to place her feelings for the boy. They're kiss hadn't mean anything, but since then she had started to pay the black haired boy more attention. She had found her eyes scrutinizing him more often then they were supposed to. She seemed to be fascinated by him for a reason that she ignored. He had a certain way of walking and just moving in general that seemed oddly familiar to the young girl.

Ashley quickly finished her breakfast and went on her way for her next class. She was a little early so she took her time walking and talking a bit with the paintings.

She was passing an empty classroom when a hand grabbed her by the wrist and another clasped itself on her mouth, blocking her muffled scream. She tried to escape the vice like grip but the hand on her wrist was grabbing her so tight that it would live a mark, she could already feel the bruises forming.

The pair of hand drag her in the empty classroom so roughly that when they let go of her she fell to the floor. She got up painfully to see that she was surrounded by Malfoy and his gang of cronies.

She started to walk backwards but not a step behind her back hit the teacher's desk. Dawn it! She was stuck.

"You thought we had forgotten you, Mudblood?" Malfoy spatted a devious smirk on his face. They were closing in on her. There was no way to escape and she wasn't good enough to beat all of them.

"We have a few new spells that I am sure you'll love."

"Mudblood!" They all started to whisper repeatedly, because yes by whispering the word seemed to slip in her head easier and the group of Slytherin had learned that from their many encounters.

She clasped her hands over her ears and closed her eyes trying to tune out their voice but the whispers seemed to slip in her mind and it disoriented all her senses. That's why she didn't see coming the first spell.

Unbearable pain started to form in her chest and spreaded on her whole body growing in her every bone.

Pain over powered her body and she fell to the ground. It felt as if every muscle in her screamed bloody murder. Every once of her was melting like metal heated up to high. She curled into a ball on the floor that she couldn't feel anymore and let out a scream of pain that she couldn't even hear, for the pain was to overwhelming.

It lasted for how long, she couldn't tell. In her mind all she could register was the pain that seemed to never stop. She couldn't hear the running footsteps of new comers and she didn't hear the shouting of spells either.

Then the pain decreased a little but it didn't made it less insufferable. She inhaled deeply and started to take control of her limbs again. She tried to calm herself by taking deep breath. She attempted to move her arms but quickly dropped it to the floor, her muscles were shore, so shore that it hurt to even lift them.

She slowly and painfully opened her eyes. Her vision was blurred and she could only distinguish what seemed to be the form of people fighting. They were big black shapes attacking each other.

Then something approached her, it was talking but the sound of his voice far far away, so far that she couldn't understand what it was saying. Then something cold touched her forearm, pain climb in all the way up in her arm.

She let out a cry of distress and backed away from the touch. That's when her senses came back fully.

She could hear a voice, telling her to don't be afraid, that they will take care of her. A hand was delicately placed on her cheek and she could now feel the cold floor beneath her.

She lifted her gaze and met a pair of grey eyes. His long hair fell slightly in his face and she realized that it was he who was talking to her. Then with the little strength she had left Ashley posed her small hand on the one resting on her cheek.

Her brow furrowed in concentration and she managed to croak in a raspy voice:


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