The book 📕

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Sirius on the pic.

Ashley was in her bed, sleep slowly leaving her.

"Do you think she's asleep?"

"Well duh!"

"Not to loud!"

"Did you saw her yesterday? She didn't keep her eyes on the ground! I didn't even know that her eyes were grey!"

"Quiet Marlene! That was mean! For all we know she could be a nice girl!"

"Now I feel bad for not talking to her sooner."

"Me too Al. Let's head to breakfast I am hungry!"

"You're always hungry Lils!"

The voices stopped and she heard footsteps fade away. She opened her eyes, now fully awake. They were talking about her, she didn't know what to think about it. They weren't that mean after all. Well Marlene had been a little but she could keep up with that.

She got up and took a quick shower, trying as hard as she could not to look at the black word written on her back in capital letters. Not wanting to waste time with her hair, she just shook her head and all the water went flying around living her hair wet but no more dripping. She let it down and put on her bra and panties.

Looking around she found her white button up laying on the floor next to her skirt. She picked them up and put them on. She also pulled on knee high socks and her black flats.

For her make up, she decided to keep it simple. A lighter pink then the day before for her lipstick and some light blue eyeshadow without forgetting mascara and eyeliner.

Picking up her backpack and putting on her robes in the way she left the common room.

Like the previous day she looked everyone in the eyes when they stared at her and gave them a confident smile.

She finally arrived in the great hall walking confidently to her sit. She sat down and started filling her plate. Today she had Herbology, double transfiguration, Runes, Arithmancy and muggle studies. Not to bad, she thought.

After finishing eating her breakfast she went off to the bathroom to brush her teeth and walk to her first class Herbology.

The class went well, they had to do an essay for Friday on the use of mandrake leaves.

As she walked she thought about tonight, she felt like she forgot something. She had to meet up with Remus for the potion essay but that wasn't it. She had to do something else. Ah! Yes, Snuffles, she had to go see Snuffles. Don't forget this Ashley, she thought, this is important.

She went to her second class of the day, double transfiguration. She arrived there shortly before the class started and took a seat. Most of the students were already there waiting for professor Mcgonagall to arrive. Finally after a few minutes the Gryffindor head of house entered.

"Open your books to page 214 please."

She opened her book as told. On the first page she saw Mudblood written in capital red letters, she frowned. Just turn the page, she thought. She went to the page Mcgonagall asked to.

When she arrived at page 214 she frowned again, her eyes filled with tears. Written on the text of her transfiguration book was Mudblood in his red glory. The word took all the place on the page and on the next one, that same word was written at the exact same place in the exact same red.

She quickly turned the page but more red letters were revelled. Page after page there was Mudblood written in red across the black text. Sometime in big red letters or sometime written over and over again in small red letters.

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