10. School

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Chapter 10

Olivia's POV


Immediately I woke up.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" I yelled while rubbing my tired eyes

"Oh look she woke up," Cam said.

"Nah shit I woke up with your guy's loud ass banging what is happening?" I said.

"We're cooking!" Tay says. I look at the clock and it's 7:50 shit I got to go to school.

"I have to go to school!" I said. I got ready and went downstairs. Ugh, I have an important test in the first period if I miss it my grade will go down!

"BYE" I yelled.

"Wait! Let me drive you" G said while getting his keys. We went to his car and drove me to school. When I get there the bell hasn't rung yet, but there is a lot of kids outside.

"Olivia! You left your bag" G said while giving me my bag. Shit, I didn't want people to know that I know him, I am probably gonna get more hate.

"Thanks," I said with a quick smile. Then he gave me a kiss on the cheek and went back to his car. I didn't mind it because I think of it as a friend thing. I heard whispering around me. Then, Bella came up to me, aka a girl that really doesn't like me.

"Oh my god, how do you know Jack Gilinsky? And why would he like a slut?" Bella said harshly.

"Jack is my friend, and that's the thing he doesn't like sluts so that's why he's hanging out with me and not you, okay?" I snapped back.

And I walked to class.

"Ugh" I hear her say. At the end of school, I walked out of the school and I didn't know what to do since I didn't have my car.

"Need a ride?" I hear someone say, and I turn around and see its Nick. Shoot, I didn't think of my answer.

"Um... I don't know" I say.

"Also you didn't give me your answer since you weren't here so Olivia will you go on a second date with me?" Nick asked. When he says that I hear a car pull up behind me.

"Olivia I am here to pick you up" I hear someone say, I turn around and it's Jack J! I was about to get in the car, but Nick grabbed my arm.

"You know what! I don't even wanna go on a date with you anymore! Bella was right you are a slut, first, you went on a date with me, and then you missed a day of school and the next day you get dropped off by Jack Gilinsky and now you are getting picked up by Jack Johnson. You gotta stop hooking up with them you slut!" Nick said. I kinda hurt. I get out of his grip and get in the car. Then Jack J rolls down the windows, revealing Nick again


"I think you should go to online school like the rest of us," Jack J says.

"Agreed," I say. Jack J gets to the house and we get inside, and there is a huge mess. Great! The second day of this new house and they already ruined it. I decided to go upstairs and just listen to my music, but then gets interrupted by messages.

Aaron: We haven't used this in a while. 

Date: 10/11/18 Words: 588

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