16. Promise?

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Chapter 16

Aaron's POV

When we all got inside, I ran straight into Olivia's room. It was empty. So she did leave after all. I was looking around for anything and I found a letter.

(By the way, some of these are quotes)

I'm sorry that I left, but you know this was the best option. When I first met all of you I didn't know that you guys were going to be this important to me, I also didn't know how much it would hurt to let all of you go. You realize how much you truly miss someone when something happens, good or bad, and the only person you want to tell is the one person who isn't going to be there with you. - Love, Olivia.

I had tears in my eyes when I was reading it. I put the letter down, and I tried to contact her, but I couldn't she blocked me on all of her social media and she blocked my number. I look over and see Matt.

"Aye what's wrong, why are we here?" Matt says.

"Can't you see, she left the city and she left a letter here and I can't get in contact with her!" I say.

"Yeah, she blocked all of us" I hear Jacob say while coming in the room.

"I just don't know what to do," I say while putting my hands in my hair frustrated.

"We should go tell the guys," Matt said. We go downstairs and we all get in a little circle. I tell them that Olivia left, and read the letter out loud to them. I look over at the guys they all have little tears in their eyes.

"Um... I honestly don't know what to do" Cam said.

"Well, we obviously have to try to look for her!" Hayes says.

"Hayes your so dumb how the fuck are we going to try to find her if, we don't even know where she went, or don't even have contact with her anymore!" Nash yells at Hayes.

"Shut up I wasn't talking to you dumbass!" Hayes says.


"What do you mean by that?" Shawn asked.

"She wanted to leave because she thought that she was ruining Hayes and Nash's brother relationship, I tried to stop her and told her to think about and tell me, but she made her decision really fast and didn't tell me," I say.

I looked at Hayes and Nash looked upset. I just walked to Olivia's room, I tried to find something to never forget her. I looked in her closet and found a box. I had a picture of Olivia and I laying on the couch together, the first time we all moved into a house altogether. I started to smile, I flipped the photo and it had a little note on it.

One of my favorite moments, I will never forget you and I hope you never forget me, I love you baby Aaron- Love, Olivia

Never in million years that I would forget Olivia. I love you, Olivia. Then I got a text from an unknown number.

Unknown Number: Hey, it's Olivia don't try to text this number again because it's not my number. But promise me you will never forget me? You made me happy when no one else could. Also, don't tell the boys that I texted you.

Aaron: I promise to never forget you, and I intend to keep that promise.

Olivia's POV

Wow, this is my life now.

Date: 10/19/18 Words: 609

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