33. Don't Worry

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Chapter 33

Olivia's POV

2 Days Later...

Here I am in the car outside the hospital waiting for the guys to get Shawn. Let me give you some information, Shawn is supposed to be able to get out today, the guys are helping Shawn. The guys saw him the day that I saw him, I still haven't told Aaron what happened on that day, I know it was just a simple kiss on the cheek and a hug, but Shawn was my ex-boyfriend and Aaron deserve to know what happened. The guys put Shawn in the backseat of my car. Then the guys separate to cars. G, Jack J, Nash, Hayes, and Taylor in Cameron's car and Shawn, Aaron, Matthew, Jacob, and Carter in my car. We all get to the house and we sit down on the couch and argue about which movie we should watch.

"We should watch Halloween" Jacob argues.

"No we should A Quiet Place" Carter argues back.

"I wish that this house was a quiet place," I say, clearly getting annoyed at their stupid argument.

"Funny, but not gonna work," Carter says in a sassy voice.

"Shawn should pick which movie we should watch, it is his first day back," Taylor says.

"Finally a good idea," Cam says while sighing in relief. The guys look at Shawn intensely, Shawn looks so scared. They are all just waiting for him to say something. I need to save Shawn right now he looks like he pissed himself.

"You guys get off his back, let him pick a movie in peace," I say. They all nod in agreement.

"Thank you, Olivia, and I know what movie we should watch that's better than A Quiet Place and Halloween... Harry Potter!" Shawn said all the guys roll their eyes and say "Ugh".

"Hey, if the man wants to watch Harry Potter let him watch Harry Potter," I say. Then in the middle of the movie everyone except for Shawn and I, all go to there rooms to sleep. Eventually, Shawn and I fall asleep.

The Next Morning

I wake up and hear a loud noise from the kitchen. I immediately get up and go to the kitchen. I walk over to the counter and see Shawn on the floor. I offer my hand for him to grab and he accepts it and gets up.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I wanted to see if there were any muffins so, I went to the kitchen, but in since I haven't used my legs in a long time I fell," Shawn says.

"Shawn, you know that if you wanted to go and get something you could've just woken me up or ask one of the guys to go get you it"

"I know, but Olivia I don't want to be treated like a baby, I need to be able to do stuff on my own again and not keep asking people to get me stuff, also where are the muffins?" He says and I point at the cabinet. He gets his muffin and I go hug him. I hug him for 20 seconds and let go.

"I know it's just that I worry about you more, now that your awake, I don't want to lose you again," I say.

"Olivia, it's okay and I think me tripping isn't going to kill me in any way"

"What if there was a knife on the floor it could kill you"

"Olivia, you're overreacting, I going to be perfectly fine," He says while kissing my forehead. I am overreacting I just don't want to lose him again, I'm such a mess without him here...

Date: 12/15/18 Words: 611

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