Part 2: The Worry of Sisters

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"I'm sorry for disturbing you, sister," Luna told Celestia sincerely. 

"You're forgiven, Luna. Come now, no need to be formal. We are alone, after all." Celestia smiled, lifting a tea cup to her mouth. 

"I have come to you for an important reason. Well, one I find to be important, anyway."

"Whatever is important to you is important to me."

"Very well. I have found a familiar voice in the Dream Realm."

Celestia's face fell. "Tell me, sister."

"Of course. In the Dream Realm, I have found a dream that I have never seen before. It is large, and has a dark, frightening aura around it. I approached it. It spoke to me. Directly. I didn't have to enter it for it to know I was there. It had eyes, sister. Red eyes, with green whites and a purple smoke drifting away from them."

Celestia dropped her cup. The porcelain shattered on the stone floor. But she signaled for Luna to continue.

"They said something along the lines of 'come back to me,' and 'I will not hurt you.' The voice and eyes looked and sounded familiar, but I could not place them. Do you recognize this character?" Luna asked, gesturing to the broken cup on the floor.

"I do, I'm afraid. I believe that this character is...King Sombra."

Luna dropped her jaw. The guards posted at the door started aback before returning to their former positions, stricken.

"K-King Sombra?" 

"Yes, sister. The one and only. But for whatever reason, he seems to be summoning you."

"But he's in the Arctic North! How is it possible, that he has gathered his strength so quickly?" Luna stomped one hoof. The strike was so powerful that the table before them jumped. Celestia used her magic to return an unlit candle to its holder.

"Be easy, sister. This may be prophetic. But of what, I do not know. You are the best of us when it comes to such matters. Have you a theory?"

Luna began pacing furiously, her mane whipping. "I do not. This could be bad, Celestia. How can you be so calm about this?!"

"I am confident that this is not a prophecy. Only dreams hold prophecies, not the dreamscape itself."

Luna was angry with herself for not realizing this before her sister, the Princess of the Day, who knew less about the dream world than she. Luna smiled at Celestia. "You anger me with your knowledge of the dreamscape, sister."

"I know. I want you to try and figure this out. I will help you. You know more of dreams than I, so I will leave it mostly to you. In the meantime, tell no pony. We can't have the kingdom in a state of panic."

"Of course. I will keep it to myself."

Celestia stood, embracing Luna. "Good luck, sister. I will always be on your side. Do not hesitate to tell me of anything you might learn in the next few days."

"I will not, sister." Luna smiled up at her. Exiting the room, the guards were too shocked to nod at her, coming to attention only moments after she'd already left the room. But Luna was in too much of a hurry to notice, and found herself galloping down the hall to her room. She threw the doors open. She heard the doors bang against the walls as she rushed to her desk, closing them once again with her magic. She got right to writing down everything she knew, so she would not forget. Only in short notes, so as not to tire herself out. She intended to enter the dreamscape as soon as she was done, planning to confront the dream, or should she say King Sombra, once more.

From the author

This chapter was a lot of fun. Once again, pretty short for myself. But I think that a cliffhanger is the way to end it. Things are gonna slowly start getting interesting. Stay tuned, folks!

Love, Annie

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