Part 4: Selflessness

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Luna wrapped her purple cloak around herself, her horn sliding through a hole in the top. Her wings flush against her body, she stepped out into the warm summer night. She turned her head down. Not a single pony questioned the mysterious blue mare wandering the city streets. Luna often went out in disguise, and the guards recognized her with a stealthy nod, she quietly thanking them in return for their understanding. 

With short clops of her royal hooves, Luna made her way to the outermost gates of the city. She passed through them without incident. It was frustrating, being unable to use her wings. She was accustomed to using them for traveling long distances. But with her being in her disguise, she was limited to taking to the air only when she was out of sight of Canterlot, and any pony in it. She made her way down a path. Soon, she stood in the shadow of a mountain, and tore her cloak off, whipping her wings open and shooting to the sky faster than a comet. She would use teleportation, but she feared ponies being able to see the bright flashes her magic released. But here, in the dark night sky, she blended in. Her dark coat shielded her from prying eyes.

The Crystal Empire was not as great a distance away as many thought. A pegasus could easily fly there within an hour, as Equestria's allies were very closely knit. Luna scanned the landscape below with her teal eyes. Up here, the clouds parted around her dark wings. Her hot breath warmed her. 

In the distance, Luna spotted the pink-purple glints of the crystal castle in the moonlight. But she was aiming for somewhere beyond the city, where the snows of the Arctic North tore into the flesh of innocents, freezing them. It was here that Sombra told her he was waiting. But Luna saw no sign of him as she touched down. All her ears picked up was the sharp whistles of the wind and the crunch of snow beneath her hooves. She loosed a bright flash of magic. Surely this spell would notify Sombra of her appearance. 

Luna growled low in her throat. Her face scrunched as she showed her teeth. "Show thyself!" she shouted to the empty air. 

But she received no response. 

Suddenly, she heard a low whisper in her ear. Follow my signals, great Princess of Night. They will lead you to me.

Luna saw a small flash of purple light somewhere up ahead. Complying, she galloped after it. She saw a dark mark in the snow. But she only got a moment to look before seeing another great flash. She followed the trail, knowing perfectly well that King Sombra was waiting, grinning at her in the dark. 

Finally, she arrived at a large cavern. She felt a spell wash over her, and warmth soaked into her dampened coat. She shivered at its strangeness. But a low laugh from the darkness distracted her.

"So," King Sombra said, stepping into the light. His horn lit up, revealing a variety of dark crystals from the dark behind him. "You have accepted my terms. How nice of you to come by." Luna turned to the sound of rumbles, and found that the cave entrance had been walled off by a seal of stone. Luna had nowhere to go. She snarled.

"I find it unfair of you, Sombra," Luna said between gritted teeth. "To keep me prisoner in a place like this, where the King of No Kingdom lies."

Sombra took on a hurt look, placing an injured hoof on his chest. "Now who's being unfair? I've treated you with nothing but kindness, and you retort with such insults! You injure me weightily, Princess. But, I will keep you here nonetheless, as it seems you have come here of your own accord." He whipped around, his red cape twirling behind him. "Follow me, Princess. Or stay here. Whichever you prefer."

Reluctantly, Luna followed as he lead her down the tunnel. His hoofsteps echoed off the stone walls. She couldn't help but notice the utter beauty of the cave, the black-purple crystals reflecting an unknown and unseen light.

They soon arrived in a huge cavern, and Luna gasped.

Here, there was a massive palace. It was dark, purple, red, and black being ever present in every corner. It was sharp, appearing to be made from crystal, very similar to the Crystal Palace. Luna could only stand agape as King Sombra smirked. "Impressed?" he asked. Finally, Luna got hold of her emotions, and managed to not question how he had erected such a castle in a mountain

The rooms were sparsely decorated, most likely to Sombra's liking. The rooms stretched on endlessly, it seemed. The castle gave off an eerie feel, as no pony resided in it. Sombra opened a door at the end of a hallway, and Luna gasped once more. 

It was a room designed in the way of the night. The dark sky was painted onto the ceiling. The bed and decor conformed to Luna's liking. It was...lovely, especially for the making of the black-hearted unicorn stallion. 

King Sombra frowned as she examined the room. "I hope you like it. You'll be staying here for quite a while, I hope you know. That barrier is unbreakable."

Luna turned to him. "Thank you, Sombra," she said. There was no hesitation in her voice. Only sincerity. 

Sombra turned towards the door. "My q-quarters are just down the hall," he stuttered. "If you need anything, that is." He closed the door quietly behind him.

He smiled as he strutted towards his own room, touched silently by her words.

From the author,


Sorry. I couldn't resist XD. Anyway, yes, they are falling for each other. As if it wasn't obvious already. I'm sorry. I want to get to the point already. I just love this ship so much! <3

Love, Annie

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