Part 9: Forgiveness

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Sombra was hurt. Most likely far more than he should have been. The Fair Princess of the Night had no reason to care for him. He had convinced her to come here.

But of her own free will! he screamed at himself. He got up from his chair and paced the room furiously. His eyes narrowed in frustration. Mainly at himself. How could he have done this? To Luna, more than anypony? He was angry at himself. Fuming. He snorted.

But his expression softened. His forehead creased, and he sat. "I just can't face it," he told himself. "She'll never see me as anything more than a monster."

"That's where you're wrong," a voice stated plainly. 

Sombra turned to find Luna staring at him. There was a sad, yet firm expression on her face as she met his eyes. 

"Luna, I-"

"Be quiet. We don't need your words to express our pity. For you, and ourselves. We did not realize that we hurt you so. We, I, don't see you as a monster."

"That's nice of you to say, Princess," Sombra told her, melancholy. "But you can stop lying to me. I know what I am. I know what the ponies think of me."

"You know what they think, I'm afraid," Luna said. She smiled, and Sombra met her eyes once more. "But you can't read minds."

They were interrupted by a loud crash. Canterlot soldiers burst into the room, raising their spears upon finding Sombra. Celestia, armored in her golden plates, arrived behind her squadron, planting into the floor her tall golden sword. "Sombra," she snarled. "How dare you kidnap my sister!"

"Kidnap?" he shouted, jumping to his feet. "She came here of her own free will! How dare you burst into my home, threatening harm to us!"

Luna noticed the way he said us instead of me. It made her think about the next move she was going to make. With a moment of hesitation, she leaped in front of the guards rushing towards him, her wings flared and eyes narrowed. "STOP!" she screamed, her lungs emptying all the air they had in them. The guards stopped dead.

"Sister, what is the meaning of this?" Celestia interrogated. 

"Tia, you can't! I just can't let you!"

"Why not?" Luna could hear the tone of her voice quickly switching to that of an angry, scolding mother.

"Because...Because...Because I love him."

The entire world stopped. Nopony breathed. Their ears seemed to shut down, blocking out every sound but the hushed panting from Luna. Sombra's eyes were wide. He had heard no more a beautiful sentence than the one that came from Luna's...No, his lover's mouth. 

"Luna," he said softly.

The night princess turned to him. Her eyes welled with tears as she rushed towards him.

And kissed him.

Luna closed her eyes. She had not ever, ever  in a million years expected to kiss Sombra. But she did. And she wanted to. It felt incredible, to have his body against hers. She could feel the fast beating of his heart through his skin. She could have sworn she felt it skip several beats at a time. The green and purple faded from his eyes, leaving nothing but his small, shocked irises. And he leaned into her. His hoof made its way over her shoulder, landing square on her back and pulling her closer to him. 

Reluctantly, he let her disconnect and turn back to her sister. The fire in her eyes backed her words.

"I love King Sombra, and am more than willing to protect my mate, even from my own sister."

Celestia was tempted, oh so tempted, to retort. To keep her sister from this vicious monster that they called King Sombra. But she knew that her sister would be happy with him. She could see it, both in her eyes and through Sombra's.

"Very well, Luna," Celestia said. "But you're coming home with us. And...y-you as well, Sombra. If you are willing, of course."

King Sombra stepped forward and put his hoof around Luna's shoulder again. "If Luna is going, I am going, with or without her permission." He smiled down at her. "With, this time."

From the author

Wow. This chapter was really short. But it was worth it, I think. Hope you guys like it. The story's almost over!

Love, Annie

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