Part 3: Confrontation

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Luna opened her eyes, seeing the millions of dreams drifting around her. The laughs and shouts of excited ponies reached her ears in faint bursts, lifting her spirits. She smiled. 

But once again, she felt overcome with a sense of sadness and worry, and turned to find the dark dream hovering next to her. She noticed for a moment that it was spattered with white flecks, like stars. It reminded her comfortably of the night. She built up her confidence and lifted her head, narrowing her eyes.

"Show yourself, coward."

A rumbling laugh. "Hello again, Luna. It comforts me to know you are in my presence again." Sombra's sinister eyes appeared, along with his vicious, fanged smile.

"I'm not sorry to say it does not do the same for me."

"So. What is the reason of your visit tonight?"

"What are you planning, Sombra?"

Sombra chortled again. "So! She finally remembers her enemy's name! What a wonderful thought. How I love to hear your flowing voice say it, Princess."

Luna stamped her hoof in frustration. "Do not avoid the question, King of No Kingdom! Answer me! What are you planning? What does your black heart hold against Equestria?!"

Sombra's eyes narrowed, and took on a sly look as he raised his eyebrows. "How bold of you. I must say honestly, I do not hold any resentment against Equestria, Celestia, or any of the ponies residing in it. I only hold feelings for one in your kingdom, fair Princess of Night. And that pony is you."

Luna was not good with the feelings of other ponies, nay their body language. So this look that his face had adopted only puzzled her. Sombra's grin grew only wider, knowing the ancient princess was confused. He had her right where he wanted her. Almost.

"I only want one thing in return, as a thanks for not attacking your kingdom, as I have had many a chance to do," he reasoned. "I only want you. Here. With me."

Luna spread her wings in a show of anger. "And what would you do if I did not come to you?"

"I would attack your kingdom, enslave its ponies, and make them do my bidding. Kill them all, if I wish, in the most agonizing ways possible."

Luna was shocked by the boldness of his words. The sincerity. The solidity. The...The audacity. She turned her head away from him. Consideration came into play. This black-hearted stallion was attempting to reason with her. A trade-off. One pony's life in exchange for the millions of others underneath her hooves.

Luna lifted her head once more, looking deeply into his eyes, attempting to sort the chaotic aura she felt. "I will consider your offer, Sombra."

"Very well. I will give you three days time. After that, no voice will reach my ears. Good luck, Princess, and choose well."


"He has dark intents, sister," Celestia said. Now she was the once pacing. Luna was watching anxiously. "This is one thing I cannot allow you to consider."

"But Tia! I have a say in the matter, do I not? Sombra is offering to spare our ponies' lives in exchange for mine. Is that not an easy decision? Can't you see that the latter is the true choice we must take?"

Celestia winced as Luna addressed her by her nickname. She walked over to her, taking her chin in her hoof. "Luna, I know you are very loyal to your kingdom, as am I. But this is a risk I cannot take. I can't lose you. I already imprisoned you myself. I would not be able to live with myself if I were to allow you to go to that dark hole, especially with my consent."

Luna lowered her head. Tears were threatening to spill. She turned to the window behind her. 

"I know what you're thinking, Luna," Celestia said stoically. "But I will not allow it." 

Luna would not meet her sister's eyes as she left the room. 

From the author

I wanted to make this chapter a little longer than the last one. I don't think I did very well, but hey, the critic is not the writer, that's for sure. 

Love, Annie

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