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Sombra watched the sunset with wandering eyes. It's beautiful orange colors casted shadows all over the land. Looking up, he spotted Luna on the highest tier of the castle. Her wings were spread and her horn glowed in an eerie blue magic. It captivated all who watched. Especially her lover, secretly looking on from below. She reared on her hind legs, the moon following her into the sky as it dragged itself lazily over all of Equestria. 

Sombra sighed to himself, smiling at the sight of her beauty. It was astounding. Her dark form nearly blended into the sky. He loved the way she weaved her tapestry of stars, placing each one specially like an ornament on a tree. The constellations came into view. Flapping her wings, she landed on a balcony next to Sombra, who was watching the sky with tired eyes. 

He nuzzled the base of her jaw. "Wonderful work, my love." 

She giggled, flicking her mane. "Oh, stop it. It's my job. You get used to it after a while."

"That may be. But no pony can make as beautiful a night as you can. It is no easy feat to raise the moon."

Luna suddenly cast a spell. Darkness flooded around them, placing them in a dark space that Sombra was unfamiliar with. He started back, jumping. 


"The dreamscape."

Multiple stars came into view. Dream gates, doors made of different material, faded in from the blackness. Faint laughs and shouts could be heard. Sombra couldn't look away. His mouth was slightly agape, and Luna laughed again. 

"This fascinates you? Didn't you use the dreamscape to convince me to come to you?"

"Yes, but I don't use the same spell that you do. This is...gorgeous. Even the overworld can't rival this for beauty."

Luna turned to a small sound of whimpering, like a pony in distress. "Looks like I actually have a job to do. Come join me?"

He took her hoof in his, giving her a gentle smile. "Of course."

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