Chapter 13 - Announcement

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Athena Lemiere


That's the one word that made me drag myself to Redent's office to give him the lawsuit paper. It's been 7 years since I've seen him, I do saw a lot of news about his company along with all the girls that he dated which is a lot.

He's a certified playboy.

The moment when I saw him, my heart stopped for a moment. It was the worse decision that I've ever made. All of my system was screaming for him and my blood rushed around my body really quickly. I feel like someone was choking me but it was myself, I was choking myself.

And I know the fact that he still gives the same affect to me, just like 7 years ago. My heart crunched remembering it and I have to say, I can't trust man easily after that because of him. It's hard for me.

"Athena, why are you acting like this?" I said to myself as I leaned my head to the steering wheel. My phone rang and I took it out from my dress pocket.


"Athena, you should come home now and get ready for tonight's event." My mom said.

"I'm on my way." I said as I sat up straight again.

"Be quick honey." She said and I ended the call. I started my car and drove out from Redent's building. I drove him with a lot of thoughts inside my head.

What I am thinking actually? Confirming my feelings? Ugh! Why are you so dumb, Athena?

As soon as I arrived home, I jumped into the shower real quick and dried myself. My mom called a make up artist and hair stylist to do my make up and hair for today's event. I sat down and closed my eyes letting them do the magic.

Athena, you need to grow up. Xander was your first love and he used you. I can't even believe that I stamped you as my first love. We made out once and then went on a date once but I found myself trapped in a first love box.

After done with my makeup and my hair, I walked through my closet to find my black halter neck dress. I put it on and looked at myself at the mirror.

"Athena, are you okay?" My mom asked and I nodded. She walked over to me and smiled looking at me through the mirror.

"You look so beautiful." I smiled back to my mom and she tilted her head a little gesturing that we have to go. I nodded and walked towards my shoe closet to pick my heels.

I picked my Chanel heels and then walked out the door to go to the Business Gathering. Business Gathering is a once in a year event and almost all of the important businesman/woman will come. Of course, Xander will come along with his family and this will be my first time to come to that event again after 7 years. I mean I've been so private about my life since 7 years ago and it's time for me to get back in the spotlight.

"You look beautiful, Athena." My dad said and I smiled. He opened the door and gestured us to go out. The chauffer opened the car door for us and I got in first.

"Are you nervous?" Chase asked and I nodded a little bit.

"It's going to be fine." My dad smiled and it made me feel more calm. On the way to the event, I kept listening to music with my earphones. I closed my eyes and took a really deep breath to calm my shit down.

My mom patted my hand and I opened my eyes. She took off my right earphone and said, "We're here honey." She said and I nodded. I put my earphones back into my clutch and when our chauffer opened the car for us.. My dad got out first with Chase. Mom, Caleb and Isaac after that, I got out the last. There were a lot of cameras taking a photo of us as we walked up to the building.

We got in and one of their staff lead us to our table. I felt all eyes on me but I just walked confidently. I smiled at them and sat on my seat.

"Athena." I turned to Prince Jacob Camery a.k.a King Darren Camery's son and I smiled at him.

"Mr. and Mrs. Lemiere, Chase, Caleb and Isaac." Jacob greeted my family.

"Hello, Jacob." He hugged my dad briefly and then kissed my mom's hand.

"Hello to you too, Jacob." My mom smiled.

"When did you arrive here?" I asked Jacob as he put my hand in front of me.

"Around this afternoon and.. you look beautiful." He answered as I put my hands on his to get up.

"Thankyou and you're not so bad too." I said looking at him in his suit.

"Mr. and Mrs. Lemiere, do you mind if I take Athena to my seat?" Jacob asked politely.

"Sure." My dad said and Jacob lead me to his table. The shitty thing about is that, Xander's table was right beside Jacob's. My eyes met Xander's when we walked towards Jacob's table and he was with his girlfriend. He looked at me coldly and scoffed at me like I was a slut. I ignored him by sitting on the chair beside Jacob's.

The event started and of course they set up the gathering quite well. Jacob leaned slowly to my ear and whispered, "It's time." He said and I nodded. We both got up from our seat and the staff lead us both to the stage.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, as you know that America and the UK has a really good relationship for the past 5 years and I, as the representative of United Kingdom wanted to thanked officially for Mr. Lemiere and his family to open the way for us to communicate better and even help us with a lot of things. I was so glad that we are a business partners and how I learn a lot things from him." Jacob said and I stood beside him listening to his speech.

"For the past 3 years, I never thought my life could be any happier. I met Athena 3 years ago when my father sent me here to America. She was so beautiful and perfect. I fell in love with her instantly." Jacob said as he turned to me. I smiled at him and Jacob turned his head back to the crowd.

"Now, I want to officially announce that me and Athena are engaged. We don't want to hide it anymore from everyone and I want to officially make a big bridge between America and England. Have a nice evening everyone." He stated and all the paparazzis started to take a photo and asked a lot of questions. Jacob just took my hand and we walked down from the stage back towards our seat. People were clapping and congratulating us for being engaged. I smiled to them and thanked them all for it.

"I love you, baby." Jacob said as he kissed my cheek.

"Love you too."

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