Chapter 1

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It's been a year now. I wake up to an empty spot next to me. It was once taken by my sister, who I gave all of my heart to, but got rejected in the end. Her scent is gone. Everything about Mei that was in our room is gone. She moved to Tokyo with her new girlfriend. Sara. She has took Mei away from me.

Though this is all my fault. I'm the one who declined Mei when she was going to show me how she really feels. So this is like punishment for me for pushing her away. Now she's doing the same. But back at her selfish sister. I didn't even think about how Mei felt. She'll never accept me back into her life. Nor will I. I just need to move on. I need to take a break from this love game.

I place my feet onto the floor. I get up and head towards the bathroom. The sound of water hitting the ground was soothing a little. It kept me off of my thoughts for awhile. Until I looked into the mirror. My eyes didn't glimmer. Instead they were just plain. No emotion. They've also darkened a bit. My smile was gone. I'm not that enthusiastic anymore ever since Mei had walked out of my life. A frown replaced that "adorable" grin of mines.

I needed something to keep me busy. I started to look through the drawers below the sink. I kept digging until I found an object I longed for. A razor blade. Yes, this might be insane, but at least it'll entertain me.

I grabbed the razor-blade and held it at my wrist. I had my arm above the sink, inhaled slowly 3 times and paused. Then, I pressed the blade against my skin. I managed to cut through my skin and to my tissue. Without hesitating I slid the blade down my arm. Each time making a new cut, I press down harder. Tears were stinging my eyes at the 4th cut. This is Mei's doings. I'm a mess.

The sink is now covered in my blood. I didn't bother to clean it up or bandage my wounds. I put my clothes on and climbed into bed. I cried myself to sleep.

{Mei's P.O.V}

I woke up to a girl next to me. Her eyes were purple and her hair a lighter shade of it. She smiled at me, but I didn't return it. I've been feeling more empty than usual. Yuzu was my everything. I rejected her feelings towards me. All Sara could do was comfort me when I needed someone.

This is like a living hell living without her. Yuzu's smile, eyes, and energy to make me happy was all I wanted. It was all I ever needed. I have to visit her again. Just this once. Maybe if I explain myself, she'll accept them and give me another chance to make it up to her. It shouldn't be that hard. We both loved each other anyways.

I've made my decision. I'm going back to Yuzu. I gently shook Sara awake.



"Yes, Mei?"

"I want to go back to my house. The Okogi estate."


"I just need to talk to Yuzu."


"I'll stay for a month. If you need anything just contact me."

"I'm going to miss you Mei. I hope you enjoy your stay."


Sara kissed me on the forehead. Her kisses are not the same.

I got my luggage and started packing up my clothes. As I finished, I waved to Sara and left the house.

{Yuzu's P.O.V}

I struggled to open my eyes. I looked at the time. 4:58. That was a long nap. I lifted myself up and felt a stinging sensation on my arm. I took the bedsheets off of it. It was still bleeding. My bed had a huge stain from my blood as well. I ran to the bathroom and quickly wrapped my arm with bandages. I looked paler now. My eyes became darker from before. My color is fading away.

I went into the kitchen, expecting a plate full of food with a card on it. But there was nothing. I slumped onto one of the chairs. Then I heard our bell ring. I thought it was mom so I opened it.


What stood in the doorway was the cause of my problems. A black-haired woman stared straight at me. Mei. I knew if I said something, it'll turn into a argument and I'll never be able to escape it.

"Why are you here?" I snapped.

"I came for you, Yuzu."

"Really? That's hard to believe."

I crossed my arms. Mei noticed the bandages on me.

"Yuzu, why do you have those on you? You also look paler than usual..."

She looked concerned.

"Why would you care?!"

"Isn't that what sisters do?"

"I don't kn-Damnit!"

"Calm down. There's no need for you to yell."

"Mei, just get out.."

"No. I'm staying here."

"Please just g-"

I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. Mei hugged me. Her embrace was lovely. I missed the old days. But I can't fall for Mei. I've moved on.

"I'm going to sleep.."

"But it's still the afternoon."

I ignored her and crawled into bed. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.


Everything was black. I couldn't see. I tried getting up, but I was weak. I just sat there, waiting for something to appear.

And it came.

A lady with black hair. I knew it was Mei. She kneeled down to my level pulled me forwards. We became weightless.

"Let me get a taste of you now. After all, you longed for me didn't you Yuzu?"

"Get the hell away."

Mei glared at me. She frowned and disappeared back into the void.

It ended.

{Back in real life}

It's 10:36. Mei slept peacefully next to me. She shouldn't be here.

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