Chapter 8

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[ Mei's P.O.V ]

"It's the only way..."

I stood there, staring at the floor.  Just one step forward and everything will be over.  I don't want it to last any longer.

I took my final breath.  The noose squeezed my neck.  My whole life flashed before my eyes.  Every single memory I had with Yuzu replayed in a second.  Now it was me, in my room.  My skin looked paler, eyes grey-ish purple.  The last sight of the real world was..

Our mom screaming in terror as she saw my lifeless body.

[ Flash Back ]

"Don't leave me Yuzu..!"

"Please..I want to see you smile."  Yuzu lifted one of her arms and caressed Mei's cheek with her thumb.

Mei gently wrapped her hand around Yuzu's wrist, painfully smiling as she watched her ex-lover dying slowly.
The blonde died within 10 seconds after the fall. Her blood seeped from the head, covering Mei's hand.

[ ... ]

That seemed to be the only thing Mei could recall before she inhaled oxygen for the last time. She could clearly remember the things they've done together in the past. You know how people say, "Life flashes before your eyes" when you're about to die? It didn't happen for the unfortunate Aihara.

Mei into pitch black water. She tried to find the way up to the surface, but it was so hard to locate. Mei was running out of air. She drowned moments later, her body slowly floating downwards, suddenly, there was a light beaming upon her. A hand appeared and grabbed the body.



"Wake up!"

[ Yuzu's P.O.V ]

Mei's body was all stiff. She didn't even budge. Her eyes were shut and her lips were parted. They looked soft. I was really tempted to just kiss the girl. She's unconscious though, so I guess I have to wait a little longer.

[ Mei's P.O.V ]

I know there is light lingering somewhere. I searched the empty void, hoping to god I'd finally find the source. It felt like hours that I've been scouting the damn place. A couple of tries of finding my way through the darkness was enough.

Until I saw a little glowing orb. I reached my hand out to touch it. I passed out.

The next thing I knew was that I was surrounded by only white. A figure walked my direction. My vision was still blurry so all I could see was it kneeling down in front of me.  It took its hand from the back of their body and motioned for me to grab on.  We fell through another hole.


There she was.  My beloved Yuzu.  We're finally together again, after so long of yearning for her.  She seemed a bit more, careless.  Being separated between earth and another universe, I can see why.   I'm still questioning where we exist now since our physical forms are, well, taken away from us. 

"Yuzu, where exactly are we?" I asked.

"..." She had a saddened face.  Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Heaven? Hell?"

"You could say either." Yuzu replied, "but there is no such thing as heaven or hell."

"Why do you say that?" I was a little concerned.

"We stay on the floating sphere of dirt that we were created on.  Yeah people said they've experienced reaching 'heaven', seeing a beam of light shining upon them, but when we actually die, we never go up to heaven or down to the depths of hell.  Our life energies stay here." 

Yuzu pointed at our apartment building. 

"Where we died.  We see light and open up our eyes again, to be back at the same crappy place.  We have a choice to either let the other living beings be, or we torment them and the place.  For example, ghost encounters.  Those spirits clearly have unfinished business to do and stay at their death grounds while some don't even realize they're dead.  We just die too fast to notice.  So we never leave.  Yet people do state that they are being watched over by their long gone loved ones.  You know why?  Because those dead spouses are still there.  With them.  They chose to stay and look over their family."  Yuzu was finally done explaining. 

"That..was pretty deep.." It made my heart ache a little.

"Hey..Mei?"  She rested her hand on mines.  It startled me since Yuzu hasn't called me that in awhile.

"Ye-" She cut me off mid-way with a kiss.  They were so soft and I couldn't resist kissing back.  Oh how her lips danced along with mines.  I enjoyed every single second of our precious moment we were sharing. 

"I missed you."

The end.

{Author's note}
Hi!  This isn't the original writer of this FF but their cousin!  I read your guy's comments and decided to finish my cuzo's story for them.  Yeah, I saw one of you wanted the two Aihara's to kiss so I added that part in!  Soft (・∀・) .  Anyways, I hoped all of you enjoyed this!  Sorry that this had to be he last chapter o('^`)o

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