Chapter 4

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{ Dream }

I was lying on a hard surface. It was cold and rough. I opened my eyes to see that I was on a roof. But it's night. I instantly jumped up and scouted the place for anybody. My right said was clear and so was my left. I gazed into the darkness trying to adjust my eyes to get a better look.

And there she was.

A blonde girl standing on the edge. I ran towards her but stopped halfway. The girl slowly turned around to face me.

"It's been a-awhile..Mei." She smiles weakly. The sight of her like this broke my heart.


"This is for the best...It's the only way down.." Yuzu at the ground beneath her.

I silently walked to Yuzu, making no noise. I grabbed her by the arm and yanked softly.

"Don't leave me again..! I need you!" Streams of tears went down my face.

"Mei, you know I care about you so much..But I can't bare to watch someone I love dearly be with a person they don't like."


"But if that person manages to make you smile, then you don't need me anymore, right? You found someone that you could love for the rest of your life.."

"Yuzu! That's not true!"

"Don't be playing lies..."


"Just let me handle my business now..."

Yuzu took a little step off the edge and leaned forwards. I pulled her to my chest.

"That's not true..You're the one I love! So I'm not letting you go! I'm never going to let you walk out of my life just like this!"


"Give me a second chance..I promise I'll make everything right. Things won't have to end up like this.."

"That's going to be hard..."


"You shattered me, Mei. I don't know if I can easily accept you back into my history."


"Okay..Fine. I'll give you another try for me. If you mess this up, I swear to god that this will be your last."

"I won't.."

"I hope I didn't make a mistake doing this..."

"I love you too Yuzu..."

{ End of dream }

I woke up.  My vision was blurry so I couldn't see the things around me.  I switched to lay on my other side and my eyes widened.  A blonde smiled at me. 

"Hey." The girl said.

Realizing who it was,  I hugged her tightly.  I felt a pair of cold hands rubbing my back.


As soon as I let go to stare at the woman, I froze. 

"What's wrong?"

Her voice was deep when she said that.  Yuzu's eyes were grey.  The side of her head was cracked open, revealing the inside.  Her brain was sort of drooping out.  Blood was pouring from her head.  Yuzu's arm was twisted and showed her bone poking out. 


After Yuzu called my name, part of her jaw ripped off, her skin stretching, with holes tearing themselves between it and her tongue and upper part of the mouth was left.  I was talking to a monster.

A shock of energy finally reached me.  But now I couldn't move much.  Every time I would shuffle around, it would hurt badly.  I looked at Yuzu and she was just smirking at me.  Her arm faced the direction where my stomach was.

I gulped.  I shook hard that it was not easy to move my arms faster.  I reached towards her arm and looked down. 

She had impaled me.

Yuzu's arm went straight through my torso.  Blood was purring out quickly and staining the bed sheets.  She took her arm out and licked it playfully. 

"Mei, I'm not done yet."

I trembled harder than before.  I got light headed from my blood loss.  I passed out.

{ ? }

I lied in bed.  I open my eyes and adjust to the light stinging in our room.  Suddenly, I bolted up, rubbing my sweat off of my forehead.  I was breathing heavily due to the double nightmare I just had.

My whole body was sticky from how much I was sweating.  I inhaled and exhaled 4 times to calm my nervous system.  I then made my way to the bathroom to clean myself up.

That had to be the most intense dream I ever had. It was terrifying just to see Yuzu in that state.

I carry on with my day, trying to forget that terrible experience.

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