Chapter 6

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Robert and his partner were rushing to the attic stairs to run upstairs and see what had happened.

"Nick fell out the window, something fell and knocked him out the window,"AJ was rambling pushing past Robert and running with the others outside. Robert and his friend gasped.

"I'll call 911,"Robert said. His friend ran outside with the Boys.

Kevin, Howie, and Brian were already in the pool searching for Nick. The wind howled and screamed. Thunder boomed and lightning rippled across midnight sky.

"You guys are going to get electrocuted!"AJ yelled bracing himself from the freezing rain.

"I can't see him!"Brian yelled sputtering on chlorinated water.

"I see the axe... and part of the window..."

AJ spied something familiar at the bottom of the pool,he dove in swiftly ignoring his own inhibitions. He swam and pushed to the bottom of the pool, yeah... He had seen a shadowy figure down here... It was Nick. AJ wrapped an arm around Nick and got him in the rescue position and began to swim up to the surface. He surfaced struggling to get Nick's head above water,"I GOT HIM!"

Brian, Kevin, and Howie swan in towards the sides of the pool and scrambled out. They ran to where AJ had hauled Nick's limp body over the side of the concrete pool. Robert's friend, who's name was Doug was kneeling over Nick, he looked dead. AJ was sputtering on water he had swallowed. Rain still poured down on them in massive quantities. Thunder rumbled so near to them they actually felt the ground quake. Robert came running out of the house yelling.

"Is he...?"Howie was over Nick, joined by Kevin, and Brian.

Doug was feeling for a pulse, he shook his head," Do any of you know first aid?"

Kevin nodded.

"I need you to massage his chest, and count to three, I'm gonna give him CPR,"Doug said,"Go."

Kevin's shaky hands met over Nick's chest and he began to remember his old first aid training,"1, 2, 3.. Go!"

"Come on Nick, come on," Brian was saying as he watched.


"The ambulance is on its way, what HAPPENED?" Robert knelt down by Nick.

"Move back!"Kevin ordered,"Go!"

Nick sputtered, and everyone gave a sigh of relief. Kevin immediately rolled him over to his side so he could spit up the pool water.

"That was too close," Brian said patting Nick's back as he continued to hack up more water," Nick, you ok?"

Nick gave a moan. His eyes remained closed.

"Nick?" Brian repeated. They all looked at their unconsicous band member. The wails of a siren could be heard in a distance.

"We've got him stabilized and comfortable," A doctor was telling Kevin,"But as for him regaining consciousness..."

Kevin looked eager to hear the end of the sentence,"Yes?"

"Your friend was underwater for at least 5 minutes," The doctor said,"We have no idea what condition his brain is in. He may wake up, he may not. He may be the same person, and he may not. Right now, we simply don't know. All we can give you is our promise to do all we can. Your friend is young and strong, there's a good chance he'll pull through."

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