Chapter 12

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"Shit," AJ muttered looking at his surroundings. He was in a dark tunnel of some sort lined with infrared lights. "Guys? Howie, Kev? Don't screw with me, it ain't funny!" He felt a gloved hand go over his mouth, "Shut up, AJ!" Howie hissed. AJ felt Howie's warm breath on his face.

"I think we made it," Kevin whispered looking around in awe, the blue light cast an odd glow over his face.

"No shit Sherlock," AJ muttered. He patted himself searching for broken bones and found the velcro of the vest he had chosen to wear. "What the...? Does anybody have the flashlight?"

"Why yes AJ, we held our supply bags like we were supposed to," Howie said sourly, "Had you been paying attention.."

"You know what Howie, shut your damn mouth, because if I have to hear it one time," AJ began stepping closer to Howie, but was blinded by a flashlight beam in his face.

"Knock it off," Kevin hissed at the both of them, "You two are supposed to be grown men! I refuse to be stuck between you two bickering the whole time we're here! If you've forgotten we have a job to do, and it doesn't involve you two at each other's throats! Now shut up, and get with it!" The flashlight beam snapped to light the way in front of them, "Howie get out the map, and lets go."

"They're here," the servant entered his master's chamber robed in black.

"I know, I have been watching them since they entered."

The walls of the control room sparkled with high tech machinery and visioning screens. Touching one screen with a gentle hand showed a caravan of 3 travelers. All clad in black like thieves on a hike. They wore brown knapsacks brimming with unknown items.

"I was wondering when they were going to put in an appearance."

"Will they be joining us?" the servant adjusted the hood masking his face.

"Not us, I have work for you. When I bring them here, you will be gone."

The servant gave a long sigh of disappointment, "As you wish." He slowly slipped away from his master and out of the control center.

This left Chiros to watch the visioning screen.

He laughed to himself, "So we meet again on my terrain, and this time there is no way I can lose." He touched the screen again, turning off the humorous scene unfolding before him of the young fools fighting amongst themselves. "Send them to me," he commanded, pressing his hand against the glass pane of the control pads. The screen blinked once then made a low noise of compliance.

"Howie, are you sure you're holding the map right?" AJ grumbled as they turned into yet another dark corridor, "When I was here I don't remember all these dark hallways!"

"AJ, do you want to hold the map?" Howie snapped back at him, "Oh no wait, why would we want you giving us directions, you can't even tell left from right!"

"That's it! Kevin, I'm gonna kill him!" AJ lunged towards Howie with his arms outstretched. Kevin pulled him back, "Alexander, be cool. Howie, that attitude of yours is really starting to get annoying!"

"Attitude? Oh, I'm bothering you Kev? I'm so sorry. All this time I thought AJ was the annoying one," Howie growled, "Now I guess it's me, though I'm not el gato amarillo."

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