Chapter 15

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"Damn it!" the young blond man cursed glaring at all his wonderful robots that had been short circuited! Chiros told him he could do whatever he wanted! It wasn't fair! Unless, Chiros hadn't done it. No, why would he? He certainly didn't want Howie to get any further, so who had done it? The only other way to turn the power off on the robots was in the... The blue eyes narrowed, someone was in the alternate control room. He growled to himself, he would not let himself be beaten. He wanted to prove to Chiros he could handle things himself, and no cheating Backstreet Boy was going to make him lose his proof! He stomped his way over to the black door, and threw it opened. He was going to get Howie back before Chiros knew he had lost him.

Kevin laughed in triumph. He had discovered the passageways! He could travel to any room he wanted from this place! Why would Chiros let him find this room? Maybe Chiros wasn't the cheater they had all made him out to be after all. Kevin darted his head to look at the copper room full of dead robots, one appeared to be missing, but he shrugged it off. Both Howie and AJ were dancing holes in their shoes in a large garage like area. There were columns in this room too, only they were in the back. The ceiling was made of a transparent material so you could see out into the stars. A small war appeared to be going on outside, it looked like one of Nick's video games. His heart felt heavy when he thought of Nick. He was gonna get the kid out of this place no matter what the cost was. Kevin grinned to himself as he pulled up the menu for the "dance studio." Kevin tried every button on the screen. He watched the dance quicken and slow down and figured he must be regulating the speed of the music. One button made everyone hop on one foot and wave their arms. Another had all the guys lifting a female and tossing her into the waiting arms of the next male. Kevin groaned, this was getting him nowhere. He slapped the final button on the screen, and whirled away from it in frustration. He had felt so sure that one of these buttons would... he whirled around again. He had to keep trying, he would not give up like Chiros wanted him too! He paused as he stared at the screen. A screen with no motion. Everything was still. People were scratching their heads and looking around in a daze. Oh my God, I stopped the music! He pulled back on a joystick on the chair excitedly. A door rolled open beside him. He sighed and plugged his ears to sheild himself from the hypnotic effects of the music just in case it really hadn't stopped. He didn't know if it would do him any good, but here goes nothing. He stepped into the room. Nothing. No music, only the sounds of many voices asking what had happened to the music. Kevin made no delay in spotting AJ's under-clad tattooed body and marching over to him. He clamped his hand firmly around AJ's biceps, "Come on AJ, we gotta find Howie and get outta here!"

"AAAAHH!" AJ yelped and whirled around in a karate kid fighting stance, "Back up.. Kevin? KEV!" AJ hugged Kevin then backed away looking ashamed, "Good to see ya man."

Kevin smiled, "I wish I could say the same to you... but that outfit you have on is scaring me."

AJ blinked, "What?" He looked down to see his bare midriff, "AH!" He covered his exposed abs, "I'm a hootchie!"

Kevin laughed, "Well, at least what you have on is comfortable. I'm getting a leather wedgie in these pants." Kevin's new outfit hadn't changed much from the one he had been wearing in the control room. It was still black leather, just a different cut, "Come on, I saw Howie come in here."

"Yes!" AJ cheered, "I think we actually have a chance at winning this game now! How much more time do we have?"

Kevin frowned, "I don't know. I don't have my watch on me, or anything."

AJ cursed, "So how do we know if it's not already too late?"

"We don't, we just keep playing the game, "Kevin said firmly, "Now come on."

Howie stood in the midst of a large crowd of confused people. His body had been crushed against a girl moving to the beat until the music stopped. The girl detached herself from Howie almost immediately. Howie had to find a way out of here. He hated the tight black leather he was wearing and his head itched. He reached up to feel his hair that had been sectioned off around his scalp. He did not want a mirror at that moment because he knew he would scare himself silly. He turned his head to see which direction he could cut through the crowd. People were milling around blindly. Someone ran into him, hard. Howie yelped as he flew into the body across from him.

"Hey watch it!" a familiar voice snapped. Howie spun the man around to gaze into Nick's face. Nick wearing sleeveless black leather attire. Howie didn't know if he should run or not. Was it another trick? He saw the hard blue eyes soften, "Howie D? Is that you?"

Howie nodded slowly.

"I thought I told you guys not to come here after me!' Nick scolded, "Now see what you've done!" Tears fells from his eyes. Howie sighed in relief, it was his Nicky. He put his arms around the boy.

"Don't worry Nick, we'll be ok. We've come to take you home with us, where you belong. Chiros said.."

"Chiros said? You talked to Chiros? He knows you're... Oh no!" Nick was trembling in Howie's embrace, "You'll never leave then."

"No," Howie comforted him, "We're leaving alright. Now come on, we have a time limit."

"A time limit?" Nick questioned, he was wiping his eyes and stepping out of Howie's embrace.

Howie nodded, "Yeah, I'll explain it to ya later kid. Right now, let's get out of here. Do you know which way?"

Nick nodded, "That way." He pointed towards one of the many exits," That's the best way."

"You sure?"


"Ok," Howie began to walk towards the door glancing back ever so often to make sure Nick was still following. They reached the door and Howie opened it. He stepped inside the dark room, "Nick what is this..." He never got to finish his question. An excruciating pain crashed through his head, and Howie pitched forward, unconscious.

                "Loser," Nick whispered to the unconscious Latino as he slung his limp body over his shoulders, "I told Chiros I could handle it." He extended a hand to the wall in front of him creating a door that took him straight to his empty game room. What shall he do with his new pet? He glanced around at some of his shiny new toys and smiled demonically, now it was his turn to have fun.

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