Chapter 18

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"YOU MURDERED HIM!" Brian shrieked lunging at AJ from the floor. Howie sat stunned with shock. Nick was dead. Kevin held Brian back, but cursed at AJ venomously the whole time. Chiros had gone ballistic. He was screaming and the foundation to the ship was rumbling.

"NO! NO! YOU DEVIANTS! YOU HAVE RUINED EVERYTHING!" Chiros yelled, he glanced at the large clock on the wall that read 2:32. He gave one last wail of rage before he hurled himself towards AJ. AJ shielded his face away from the attack and shut his eyes. A terrible howl erupted from Chiros. AJ uncovered himself to see Chiros stopped in mid-launch. A huge stripe of lightning was shooting through his belly. The lightning was spreading throughout the demon's body in slow motion, combusting the vapors. Chiros's screams could be heard above it all. He yelled curses and promises to come back to wreak vengeance and then, he was gone. Just vanished, disappeared. There were a few seconds of silence.

"YOU MONSTER, YOU MURDERER!" Brian shrieked remembering his rage and lunging at AJ again. AJ jumped away from Brian and the rest of the group. They were all glaring at him and he bet they wished at that point that AJ too had burned up in that shadow fire Chiros went out in.

"I didn't kill him," AJ spoke softly, "at least I hope I didn't."

"You freakin' stabbed him in the back!" Kevin accused.

"Wth a syringe, a syringe full of adrenalin!" AJ yelled.

"So, you still stabbed him.... Adrenalin in a syringe? Where the heck did you get that?" Brian looked confused.

"From the hospital, it's a long story, but I figure..."

"That you didn't kill him, you maybe..." Howie's eyes got large with understanding, and he lie flat on his back with awe.

"Woke him up," AJ finished, "I hope so. I think it worked. I.. I... had this compulsive hunch that kept telling me to take the syringe and what to do with it."

Howie, Kevin, and Brian stared at him, "So what happens now?"

"Well, in a minute, we wake up," Howie said glancing at the clock.

"Yeah, and all those people that Chiros brought here go back to where they came from," Kevin said standing himself and Brian up. Howie remained lying on the floor.

"But what about me?" Brian looked fearful.

"I don't know, Bri," Kevin said placing a sturdy arm on around his shoulders, "But when we wake up and I get to you, I will never let you out of my sight again."

Brian clung to his cousin, "You wouldn't say that if you knew what I've done."

"Bri.." Kevin began, but his sentence was cut of by a wave of extreme dizziness, "What.. What's happening to me?"

AJ and Howie were getting similar feelings of being light-headed. "I think we're waking up.." Howie said feebly. He sank down to his knees, "Is this what you felt like Kev?"

"You guys are starting to fade away!" Brian was yelling, "Don't leave me here alone! NOO!!"

"Don't worry B... It'll be..." the last word was lost as Kevin felt himself being sucked through a narrow tube. His whole body jerked and felt jiggly. His whole life flashed before his eyes. He saw images of his father, his mother, his brothers... He saw himself meeting Howie, AJ, and Nick for the first time. He saw... he saw two really big nostrils. He jolted up, "OW!"

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