Chapter 24: The Rule Of Eclair

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Karariri strolled through the empty halls, holding her books. She stared at the note that had been left in her locker and looked around. It was nine at night. The school was dark, the light of the moon barely peeped in through the open windows. She shifted awkwardly, taking in an uneasy breath.

"Alright.. I'm here.. Who is it?" she demanded.

"Karariri dear!" a woman smirked widely. "How nice it is to see you."

"Show yourself" Karariri ordered. Eclair stepped out, her binoculars clenched in her hand. Karariri stared at her with wide eyes.

"Well.. I should've expected this from you" Karariri sighed, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm hurt.. You aren't happy to see me.." she pouted, "Well its nice to see you haven't changed."

"But I have. You don't scare me anymore Eclair. Now what do you want" she demanded. Eclair crossed her arms, looking away and biing on her inner cheek.

"You truly are a sight to see. Ignorant child" Eclair rolled her eyes.

"Ignorant pertaining to what?" Karariri arched an eyebrow. "The only one who's ignorant here is you. Ignorant, arrogant, selfish. And definitely a child."

"I'd watch what comes out of that mouth if I were you" Eclair glared. "I can and will make you miserable. Starting with your precious Ootori"

"You wouldn't dare" Karariri gritted her teeth. Eclair grinned and walked right up to her, stnding face to face.

"Watch me" she snickered. "You're free to leave. I'm done pitying you" she sighed, turning around and crossing her arms.

"You wont win this way. I swear on my life. I wont let you ruin Tamaki's life. So do what ever you want to me. But I'll make sure he ends up with her before he even looks at you" Karariri laughed, "Just you wait and see. Woman without morals. Or a brain. Get your head out of the power trip you have going on. Maybe you'd learn a thing or two about the real world"

"I said. You are free to leave" Eclair spat.

"I am free to leave. But you aren't free to stay. Ge back to France. I'll pay for the ticket on the plane" Karariri glared. "You aren't going to stay. Now what will it take to get you out of here?"

"Ootori or Suou asking for my hand" Eclair smirked. Karariri fell silent, staring at her in disbelief.

"What?" Karariri demanded, thinking she had heard wrong.

"You heard me idiot." Eclair rolled her eyes.

"by force of course. As if they'd marry you because they want to." Karariri laughed, "That was a good one Eclair. Have fun with that." she snickered, leaving the room and walking back down the empty halls. She walked straight to Hina's house, the truth of the situation not becoming a reality until then. She tapped at the door timidly, worry creeping into her mind slowly. Hina opened the door, a smile on her face.

"Who was it that invited you after school? Tell me all about it right now!" Hina grinned, pulling her inside. Karariri sighed, staring at Haruhi.

"I'm so sorry.." she whispered. "I'll make it right for you Haruhi.. I promise"

"Make what right?" Haruhi blinked, looking up at her. Karariri turned to Hina, a worried look on her face. Hina shifted awkwardly, afraid of what she would hear next.

"It was Eclair... She was the one I met with" Karariri sighed, hanging her head. "I'm afraid she's going to be stirring up quite a mess of trouble.. Haruhi you're caught in the middle.. Cause she knows Tamaki cares for you.."

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