(1) Are You Here With Me?

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When his eyes finally opened, Stuart had no idea where he was. This frightened him, and he could feel the waves of anxiety rush over him as he started to panic. He felt dizzy, just on the verge of throwing up. He tried to regain his bearings, taking deep breaths and closing his eyes tightly. What did he know about his situation? He was cramped. It was dark. The air he breathed was stuffy and smelled awful. He tried to stretch his long limbs out, and just as he did, his cramped space burst open and he was suddenly free.

He stood up, his legs wobbly from being curled up for who knows how long. The ground below him was bright pink, the entire place was it seemed. Surrounded by miles and miles of ocean. As he surveyed his surroundings, he discovered the tiny prison that he had broke free from. It was a suitcase. A bright green travel tag hung off the handle, catching Stewart's eye. He kneeled down, taking it in his hand and looking for any writing, any clue as to where he was. Two words were scrawled across the side in messy writing. Murdoc Niccals.

The bassist tapped his unbearably long nails on the surface of the counter. He had ordered his cyborg out hours ago, what was taking so long for it to return? He chewed on the inside of his lip impatiently, staring out the kitchen window into the horizon. The satanist shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and sighed boredly. As if on cue, he heard a loud thud outside, down on the beach. The corners of Murdoc's mouth turned upward into his signature toothy grin, and he made his way to the lift. He got into the small compartment, pressing the down arrow. When he reached the bottom after what felt like an eternity, he made his way to the front door and walked out onto the beach. The bassist immediately recognized a familiar head of unruly blue hair, and as he walked up to his singer, his smirk stayed plastered to his face. He walked until the toes of his black boots were right in front of Stuart, causing the younger man to look up at him. "Nice of you to show up, faceache."

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