(5) Then You Come With Me

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2D ended up drifting off to sleep once his headache had subsided. He slept soundly through the...night? He couldn't tell what time it was, as his only window was deep underwater. When his eyes eventually pried themselves open, he sat up in his bed. Stuart could feel his stomach growl. He groaned and got up, turning on the dim lamp next to his mattress and making his way to the door. When he went to turn the handle, he could feel it get stuck against the lock. His reaction was to pound on it, yelling. "Murdoc! Murdoc! Mu-"

Stu went to hit the door again, but it was swung open at that exact moment, causing him to fall forward. He rubbed his forehead, feeling a bruise forming. He groaned and looked up at the person responsible. "N-Noodle?" A tear ran down Stuart's cheek as he recognized the young guitarist. He threw his arms around her, but something wasn't right. She felt...frozen? Before he could give it a second thought, 'Noodle' threw him to the ground with a large thud. He yelped as his back collided with the floor.

Murdoc was sitting in his room, running his fingers lazily over his bass strings when he heard the loud crash. He shot up out of his bed, practically running out the door. He chose to take the stairs, thinking the lift would take too long. When he got to the room where he knew the sound had come from, he saw cyborg standing over a curled up 2D. "Faceache, what happened? Ya alright?" Even the bassist himself was surprised at the worry in his voice.

"Y-Yeah. I'm f-fine. What's wrong with N-Noodle..?" Stuart sat up, rubbing his back.

"Oh. Yeah. That's not Noodle. This is Cyborg." Murdoc gestured to the stone face robot. "She's our guitarist for now."

The satanist looked down at 2D and he could see how his eyes were shined over, on the verge of crying. "Look, we needed a gu-"

"You fucking replaced her?!" Murdoc was cut off by the blunette. He was stunned at how blunt the usually submissive man was being.

"I didn't replace her, Dullard. This is temporary. We need a guitarist for the album so I got one. That's all." The bassist tried his best to keep his voice as steady as possible. He didn't want Stuart to know how much he missed Noodle too. He didn't want to show his weakness. But he was to late. Stuart saw him falter. And he didn't hesitate to take advantage of it.

"You replaced her! It's your fault she's gone and you tried to replace her!" Stu could feel all his pent up anger pouring out of him. His fists collided against Murdoc's chest, tears streaming down his face. "You bloody arse! You did this! You did all of this!" He continued to send blows against the satanist's chest, letting out everything inside him.

"Stuart! Stop it!" Murdoc tried to block himself from the rain of punches. He got a hold of Stu's wrist, but he was struggling like a fish out of water and the bassist couldn't stop him. "Enough!" Murdoc yelled out, but it was like he was talking to the wall. 2D continued to thrash around, doing anything he could to lay a hand on him. Murdoc didn't know want to do. He didn't know what options he had. So when he saw the chance, he quickly leaned it and his lips collided against Stuart's.

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