Chapter 1- The beginning of a magical adventure

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Y/N- Your name
L/N- Last name/ surname

Y/N inhaled a deep breath as she stepped upon the Hogwarts express, clutching tightly onto her luggage which rest by her side. This was all brand new and exciting to her. Coming from a Muggle family, she was never told stories of her parents attending Hogwarts for the first time or setting foot on the Hogwarts express and being an only child, she had never come to the busy platform with any siblings before so everything was all so new to her but she loved it. She loved every single moment of it.

With a wide smile on her face, she turned around and waved goodbye to her parents. Her mother's eyes were filled with tears as her head rested on her husband's shoulders. This was just as new to her parents as it was to her. Seeing their little princess all grown up and leaving them to go to a school for Witchcraft and Wizardry was both exciting for them but also petrifying. To say they were a bit emotional is a bit of an understatement.

With one last smile, Y/N turned back around and continued to board the train, that was until she bumped into someone, sending her luggage flying out of her hand  "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" she appologised as she grabbed her bag and scurried to her feet, holding her hand out for the other person to take in order to help them up.

"It's fine" a slightly deep yet smooth voice reassured her as the person she bumped into grabbed their bag, took her hand and stood to their feet. As soon as the person had regained their posture, Y/N looked up at them and couldn't help but smile. It was a boy, a boy whose scruffy black hair created bangs covering his eyes. A boy who seemed to have some black smudges beneath his eyes. A boy whose skin was as white as a sheet. A boy who wore an oversized, cozy black hoodie. A boy who Y/N wanted to befriend immediately.

"I'm Y/N by the way" She nervously smiled as she awkwardly shook his hand. "Y/N L/N"

"Virgil" The boy replied, his black hood pulled over his head. "Virgil Smith"

"I like the name Virgil" Y/N smiled, her smile now dipped in more confidence "It's different but then again, so are you. And I like that about you"

"Thanks" Virgil replied as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Do you wanna sit with me?" Y/N asked.

"Sure" Virgil shrugged. "I mean I've got no one else to sit with so why not?"

"Yay!" Y/N squealed, grabbing onto Virgil's hand and dragging him  towards the compartments to try and find an empty one.

"Found one" Virgil pointed to a spare compartment, making Y/N stop in her tracks immediately as she turned towards the compartment and slid the door open.

"After you" She smiled, gesturing for Virgil to go in first.

"Thanks" he smiled as he entered the compartment and cautiously placed his luggage in the luggage rack above their heads. Y/N swiftly followed him, shutting the door behind her. "Let me get that for you" Virgil offered as he grabbed her bag and placed it next to his.

"Thanks Virge" Y/N giggled before sitting down. "I can call you Virge right?" She checked.

"I suppose if you want" Virgil shrugged before sitting down opposite her.

"I can already tell we're going to be best friends" Y/N beamed from ear to ear.

"Me too" Virgil smiled, though his smile was more soft and gentle.

Y/N could tell that this was just the beginning of what would be a very magical adventure.

A different kind of magic (Sanders Sides+Harry Potter-Patton X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now