Chapter 3- The first glimpse

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Y/N stared at her hands in disbelief as they moved to another carriage. "I can't believe I just did that..." she mumbled. "I just punched someone..."

"Well he did kinda deserve it" Virgil gave her a small smile which she timidly returned.

"He seems like a big bully" She pouted, crossing her arms, already feeling a strong dislike towards that Draco character.

Virgil scoffed. "He is" He stopped, noticing an empty carriage. "This should do us nicely" he smiled, moving out the way to let Y/N in first. She gave him a small smile and curtsied jokingly with a giggle before taking her seat. Virgil sat down opposite her.

Silence filled the air for a few moments before Y/N decided to break it. "So that interesting"

Virgil nodded in agreement before looking out the window. "We should get there soon. We'd best put our robes on now before we forget"

Y/N nodded and took her robes out of her case, changing as Virgil did the same. She looked up and gave Virgil a bright smile and he happily returned it.

It wasn't long before the train started to slow down. Excitedly, Y/N ran towards the window and glanced out of it. Her eyes widened in awe as she noticed the grand castle in front of them surrounded by a deep blue lake. "'s beautiful" she mumbled. "Virge look!" She ushered him over and Virgil joined her by her side. The two glared at the picturesque sight they were witnessing.

"Woah...that's even more beautiful than I thought" Virgil smiled contentedly. "I can't wait to go inside!"

"Well what are you waiting for?" Y/N giggled as she felt the train come to a stop. She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the exit, excitement bubbling inside her.

"Woah slow down!" Virgil chuckled.

Y/N stopped as they set foot off the train. "Sorry Virge. I'm just so excited!" She squealed.

"I can tell" He playfully rolled his eyes with a giggle.

"What do we do now?" She asked, hardly able to contain her excitement.

Virgil looked around before noticing what looked like an older woman, a slim, tall, wise looking figure. "I think we follow her. She seems like one of the professors" He pointed towards her.

Y/N nodded and, with a grin stretching from ear to ear, started to follow her. This was the beginning of a brand new adventure.

Hey guys. So a quick A/N before we end. First of all, I want to apologise for taking so long to update. I kinda forgot about this book but will be making a better effort to update. Also, sorry that this is so short. I didn't really have many ideas for this chapter. If anyone has any ideas for future chapters, please let me know. I have a vague plot idea for the main plot but need extra ideas to involve other characters, sides or Harry Potter, please let me know. They can be big or small and I accept anything apart from stuff to do with self harm, suicide, eating disorders or any kind of mental health issues. Anything else is absolutely fine. Angst or fluff. That would help me so much. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Byeee

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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