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Hey guys and welcome to my new Sanders Sides fanfiction. I hope y'all enjoy it. Since this is sort of an AU, I have a few elements of this fan fiction that I want to quickly clarify before the first chapter, which should hopefully be tonight. So yeah. Let's get onto it. You don't have to read this if you don't want to but it may be useful.

1. Although this is a Sanders Sides and Harry Potter crossover, it will be focusing mainly on the Sanders Sides and will not follow the actual storyline of Harry Potter but instead my own storyline so Voldemort will be dead. However, there may be some Harry Potter spoilers so be warned. Also, I will be using some of the Harry Potter characters but they won't be the main focus.

2. This will be set in the same time as the Harry Potter movies but with a different storyline  (as previously mentioned) though some events from the books may pop up.

3. Please keep in mind that I haven't read or watched Harry Potter in ages so although I will try to make it as accurate as possible, there may be some inaccuracies when I do follow the books so please don't get mad if there are.

4. All the Sanders Sides are human and look different and have different surnames

5. I may be adding some characters from my other Patton X Reader "Their Sides" but they probably won't have big roles. Here's a quick summary of each character so you know in advance. They are basically all just female Sanders Sides:
Bella- kinda like a female Thomas in a way. Very kind and loves her friends but also very insecure
Vivian- the female Virgil. Basically exactly the same as Virgil
Olivia- the female Logan. Basically the same as Logan
Scarlet- the female Roman. Basically the same as Roman
Skye- the female Remy (sleep). Basically the same as Remy, or at least my interpretation of him
Ivy- the female Deceit. She can seem mean at first but once you get to know her, she's really loving
The reader was the female Patton so that's why there's no female Patton. You do not need to read "Their Sides" to get the plot of this fanfiction but I would be grateful if you did check it out

6. Now there are a lot of different interpretations of which house Virgil is in so for simplicity's sake, he will be in the same house as you as that also fits with the story

7. Finally, as I do not know which house you personally are in, there may be some cases where there are two options. I know that doesn't make sense but it does in my head. For example:
Y/N gazed at Patton from across the Hufflepuff table/ from the y/h (your house) table as he sat on the Hufflepuff table
Hope that make a sense

So yeah, that's all you really need to know. Hope you enjoy the story

A different kind of magic (Sanders Sides+Harry Potter-Patton X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now