Chapter 2- With new friends comes new enemies

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Y/N and Virgil happily sat in the compartment together, just talking to eachother and wasting their time away. Despite only just meeting, they had already become really close friends. Their newly found friendship could quite easily last a life time.

"So um Y/N, what house do you reckon you'll be in?" Virgil asked curiously as he slumped down on his seat opposite to Y/N.

"Oh I'm not really sure. You see, neither of my parents are wizards so this whole magic thing is kinda new to me"

Virgil's eyes widened as he immediately straightened up. "You mean you're a...muggleborn?" He gulped.

"I have no idea what that means but sure" She gave him a bright smile only for it to falter slightly upon seeing his shocked facial expression. "Why? Is there anything wrong with that?" She started to become slightly worried after seeing Virgil's reaction. Thoughts started racing in her mind, mainly worries that she was going to loose her best and only friend after only just meeting him

"Well no. I mean yes. Well kinda"

"Virgil you're scaring me. What's wrong with being muggleborn?"

"Well nothing. But some people, mainly purebloods who have a purely wizard family don't really like muggleborns and think they're "impure" or something stupid like that. And they call them "mudbloods" which is the most slur ever. So you might get bullied a bit"

"Oh..." Her face dropped as she looked towards the floor sadly. "Are you a pure blood? Do you think I'm impure"

"No of course not" He said quickly. "I love muggleborns. You're amazing. The best person I've ever met"

Y/N turned bright red. "You really think so?"

"I know so. I'm a half blood by the way. Not all purebloods are bad though. But quite a few are so careful. Please?"

"Of course I will Virge. There's no need to worry about me. I'll be fine" She gave him a small smile.

"Well you'd better stay by my side just incase" Y/N playfully rolled her eyes and giggled lightly.

"You worry too much"

"Just please promise you'll stay by my side?" He looked at into her eyes with hope glistening in his.

"Okay okay I promise"

Virgil let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you"

"Of course"

Suddenly, a boy with bleached blond hair came strutting inside as if he owned the place. He was followed by a slightly shorter, plumper boy and a slightly taller, slimmer boy. Virgil gulped and hid in his hoodie and Y/N gave Virgil a confused look. The boy turned up his nose and sneered.

"Move. We want to sit here" He said bluntly.

Virgil nodded and quickly stood to his feet but Y/N wasn't having it. She firmly crossed her arms. "No! We're not moving anywhere! What gives you the right to come in here and act like you own the place?!" She asked, her blood beginning to boil with anger and her distaste for this stranger slowly growing.

"I'm sorry, are you talking to me?" The boy sneered. "Do you even know who I am?"

"Yes I know who you are. You're an obnoxious, stuck up brat!"

"Y/N, we need to leave now" Virgil whispered to me in a worried tone.

"No! I'm not letting this brat get his way" She said firmly.

"That's not just any brat. That's Draco Malfoy. His dad's one of the most powerful dark wizards" Virgil told her, his anxiety and worries growing with each word.

"Who?" Y/N gave Virgil a confused look.

"I guess you really don't know who I am do you?" Draco glared at her. "You must be a filthy, impure, disgusting mudblood" He chuckled and the two boys behind him quickly joined in.

Y/N growled, her anger and extreme distaste for him growing. "What did you just call me?"

"I called you what you are. A filthy mud blood"

"Okay that's it!" She yelled, no longer able to contain her anger. She stood to her feet and stormed over to him before slapping him around the face. Hard.

Virgil gasped as his eyes widened in shock. "Y/N, we should probably be leaving" He said quickly, not wanting to cause any more trouble.

"Good idea Virge" She stared at Draco, who was on the floor clutching his cheek, in disbelief, unable to believe that she had just slapped someone. Virgil grabbed their luggage and quickly grabbed Y/N's hand before dragging her out of the compartment, leaving Draco on the floor and in pain.

"My father will hear about this" He called after them but the two just kept running, trying to find another spare compartment.

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