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Ichinose Guren, the leader of the Moon Demon Army, sat behind his desk with papers on his right hand, his left sat on the table surface. His younger sister, Yuuyo, stood on his right side with her hands above her thighs.

"Are you sure you're going to move her?" Yuuyo asks with a gentle frown on her face. Guren hummed as he nodded. "But how would she react? You know she can't stray far from her brother," Yuuyo said again. And once again, Guren hummed with a nod.

"She needs to grow. She can't keep trailing behind him like a lost puppy," Guren said with no care. Yuuyo's frown deepened. "She's an eighteen year old soldier with the mental of a twelve year old and the gut of an adult. She can't help it."

"You can't keep blaming her sickness. The only way to cure it is to make her mental grow to the appropriate age," Guren said. Yuuyo kept quiet. She can't argue back if what he said is true. Just then the door of his office was knocked three times. None walked over to the door as the door itself was opened.

"Gurecchi, you called?" A girl with white hair and wide blue eyes slipped her head pass through the door's gap. Guren puts down the papers he held. "You might as well not knock if you're going to barge in," Guren sighed. The girl giggled, stepping into the room after closing the door.

"You always get mad when my brother does that," she stood in front of him. "So? Why did you call? Does it have anything to do with Yuuyocchi looking all sad?" She asks while looking at Yuuyo, who was looking at her with a frown. Guren hummed.

"I'm moving you to a new squad," Guren informed. The girl blinked once, twice. "Haha, that's funny," she commented dryly. However Guren kept his stoic expression. "It's not a joke," he said. The girl raised an eyebrow.

"Then I refuse," she said. "It's only temporary," Guren informed. Lightly stomping the floor the girl puffed her cheeks, refusing. Yet Guren still insisted. "I'm your commander here. Don't disobey," Guren said with authority. The white-head flinched visibly. She nervously bit her lip. "I don't care!"

"Look, if it's about your brother, he'll be fine, okay? He doesn't always show up in the Demon Army anyways. There's a reason why there're two second-in-command. He'll be fine," Guren assured. "No! I don't care what you say, I still refuse!" The girl argued back. And for the second time, the door was knocked.

"What's with the ruckus?" A young man, also with white hair and blue eyes walked in. In the instant the girl ran over to the man and engulfed him in a tight hug. Although surprised he smiled softly and stroked the girl's pristine white hair. "Guren, did you pick my sister again? That's mean."

"What do you mean, 'again'?" Guren said, taking offend. Then he simply sighed. "I'm moving her to take care a rookie squad. It's temporary, so get that through her thick skull, Shinya," Guren turned his attention to the papers laid out on his desk, ignoring the girl's sticked-out tongue.

Hiiragi Shinya chuckled. He gently pulled his sister to sit on the sofa in the middle of the room. He sat down beside her. "Come on, little sis. It'll only be for a few months at the least," Shinya softly said. What he earned was a childish pout, and crossed arms. He couldn't help a small laugh slip past.

"Do you think I'm weak?" Shinya suddenly asks. The girl flinched and turned to look at her elder brother with wide eyes. "N-no, of course not! Shin-nii is strong!" She quickly said. A smile still present on his face, Shinya patted his sister's head.

"Then, I'll be fine. And I know Guren won't let anything happen to me," Shinya assured. Guren groaned quietly. The girl hummed, fidgeting. Shinya kept his gaze at her, smiling. "Fine..." she finally said, with a pout. Shinya smiled proudly and ruffled her hair. "Then it's settled," Guren said. He separated a thin document from the rest of the papers on his desk, stamping on it.

"Hiiragi Etsuko, you are now assigned to a new squad for assessment and supervision."

No Longer Human [Yuichiro x OC x Mikaela]Where stories live. Discover now