『2. Omotesando Vampire Extermination』

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The next day, they all gathered at in front of Omotesando Station Entrance. The place where the vampires were said to take shelter from the sun and kept humans captive inside.

"The girl said there are seven vampires. They typically sleep between early morning and noon. We'll ambush them then," Etsuko read the written report, scratching the side of her neck. 'I didn't shower...' she cursed herself for spending too much time on writing a report. Kimizuki raised his hand. "Yes, Mizucchi?" Etsuko said.

"What about the civilians? What should we do if any gets taken hostage?" He asks. Mitsuba chimed in and told him to ignore all hostages. "We're going in outnumbered. We can't worry about anyone else," she said. Yu gave her a look. "What? If you don't like it, go back to Shibuya," Mitsuba crossed her arms.

"Nah, it's fine as long as I get to kill some bloodsuckers," Yu said. "Ah, but if they're awake and armed, we will retreat," Shinoa said, Yu exclaiming in protest. "Well, we stand a minor chance of surviving since the four of us wields the Black Demon, but I'd rather not have anyone shed a drop of blood. So independent acts are strictly forbidden, okay, Yucchi?" Etsuko gave a threatening smile towards Yu.

"Yeah, sounds like a great idea to me," well, he seemed unaffected by it. Etsuko grinned happily. "Remember to protect each other's back, yeah? Now then~! Let's move in!" All of them descended the stairs into the dark underground station. Immediately humans wearing livestock uniform came into view.

"There aren't even any vampires around. Why are they not escaping?" Kimizuki wondered. "Even if they did, Horsemen are crawling all over the place. This is the only place that is safe," Etsuko explained, glancing at the humans. "We'll come back for them later. For now, focus on the mission."

They moved to floor B3, where most of the livestocks are located. Weakly leaning on the walls, pillars, scared for their lives. "...What is this?" Yoichi breathed. A vampire walked unknowingly in the halls, until he spotted the soldiers. "Everyone, prepare for combat! Draw your weapons!" Etsuko ordered.

"Hurry! Before he calls reinfo--" Yu ran towards the vampire with his sword drawn and stabbed the vampire. "Idiot! How many times do we have to tell you not to act on your own?!" Mitsuba roared, hand reaching out to Yu, presumably to slap him. However Yu grabbed her hand.

"Why are you nitpicking everything I do? In case you didn't notice, the vampire was unarmed, and I waited for the order to draw weapon," Yu defended. Suddenly his green orbs widened and pulled Mitsuba close, catching her off guard.

A vampire came up behind Mitsuba with a sword swung towards her. Yu blocked it, and pushed Mitsuba behind him. "Haha! I've been waiting eight years for this!" He grinned happily, adrenaline rushing through his whole body. He didn't let the vampire talk. With one swing of his arm the vampire was cut cleanly.

"What...? How can he be that strong...?!" Mitsuba breathed in surprise. A clap echoed. "Ahaha! As expected of Lieutenant Guren's protege. I didn't expect it to be that strong, though," Shinoa commented.

"That was great, Yu-kun!" Yoichi complimented happily. Kimizuki huffed. "Still weaker than me though," and that started Kimizuki and Yu's bicker. Mitsuba watch them with suspicion, and confusion. "Who are they, Colonel?" She turned to Etsuko.

"Lieut's favorites. Two problem children who doesn't understand how teamwork works. Precisely why he chose you to train them, no?" Etsuko grinned. "...okay. Everyone, form up. We still have five more to--" the glass behind Mitsuba shattered as two vampires bust through. One grabbed Mitsuba, the other blocked Yu's path, and five more surrounded them.

"Seven...? That doesn't match our intel...!" Mitsuba choked out. The vampire laughed. "From who did you get that intel?" He taunted. Etsuko gripped her chakrams tightly. "Ah, how ugly. To use a frail little girl like her..." she said.

"The same goes to you. Take family or friend hostage and you'll gladly betray your own," the vampire grinned. "Don't move. If you want your 'friend' to survive, then--" "No! Leave me and run!" Mitsuba screamed.

"Don't make me say it twice, idiot! I'm not leaving anyone else to die!" Yu screamed at Mitsuba. He charged at the vampire blocking his way, forced his way through the vampire and earned a cut on his left cheek. Mitsuba shook as her memory came back to her. The memory of her comrade dying to protect her.

"Foolish human," the vampire that held her whispered, raising his sword. "Mitsuba!" Yu called out. The vampire he fought blocked his way again. Yu peeked behind, the vampire raised swung his sword down. "Mitsuba!!"

The vampire's arm and head fell off, and turned to ashes. Etsuko appeared behind the vampire with one chakram on her hand, the other held Mitsuba safely. Mitsuba release a breath she unconsciously held.

"What?!" The other vampires claimed in shock. One looked over to where she was, to find 'her' blurred out and turned to a purple puff of smoke. "An illusion spell?!" A vampire claimed. "Everyone! Exterminate the vampires!" Etsuko gave order.

Her squad immediately moved to formation. Mitsuba summoned her weapon and fought off two vampires, side by side with Etsuko. "Hey, Mitsucchi?" Etsuko called, blocking a sword. "Y-yes?!" Mitsuba stuttered, glancing at her leader, who gave a cheerful smile.

"Make sure you thank Yucchi after this!"


The humans has been freed, and Etsuko's squad received minor injuries. The girl Yu saved came over and apologized multiple times to him, crying. Yu assured her that what she did was right, and smiled.

"Your daughter is very brave," Etsuko praised to the girl's parents. The father smiled, then frowned. "What is going to happen to us now?" He asks. "The Demon Army won't let us enter Shibuya and Shinjuku, thanks to the population regulation. How are we going to survive out here?"

"Oh, don't worry about that," Etsuko smiled. The parents gave her a confused look, then Shinoa approached them. "Shibuya is growing every day. I'm sure there is enough space for everyone here," Shinoa explained.

"R-really?!" They exclaimed happily. Etsuko smiled. The family then left with the soldiers that are returning to Shibuya. Etsuko then approached Mitsuba, then patted her shoulder. "Don't be shy, okay~? I gotta go~" she said and entered a nearby building.

Etsuko walked up the stairs, towards the open area of the rooftop. When she opened the door someone stood near the edge. A woman with blue waist-length hair, part of it tied to a bun with untied strands on the top of it. Etsuko grinned happily, ran over to her and hugged her.

"Yukicchi!" She giggled. Yukimi Shigure released her grip, turned around with a faint smile. "Etsuko-sama," Shigure greeted, immediately a pout formed on Etsuko's lips. Putting Shinya aside, Etsuko would be the only Hiiragi member Shigure would trust, and casually be her own self around.

"Drop it! I'm waaay younger than you!" Shigure chuckled. "Of course, forgive me," a smile rose onto Etsuko's face. She turned to look at her squad from above the building.

"Let me guess; Gurecchi told you to scout us?" Etsuko raised an eyebrow. "Yes. You didn't report him how well you and your squad cooperate. He thinks you're hiding something and sent me here," Shigure answered.

"After all this years! Meanie!" Etsuko cried out. She crouched down and hugged her knees. Shigure crouched to see Etsuko's face. She was, once again, pouting aggressively with her eyes wet with tears.

"I can assure you it is not because you are a Hiiragi," Shigure patted her head. "Then what?" Etsuko whispered. She rubbed away the tears, but still pouted. "I'm so telling my brother," she grumbled. Suddenly she stood up, smiling.

"Okay~ I gotta go! See ya~!" Etsuko waved and jumped down. With her demon's power she was able to land safely, without a scratch. "Gurecchi... trusts Shin-nii, but not me..." she whispered to herself, frowning. From a distance she saw Yoichi waving at her. "Etsuko! Hurry up, we're going!" Yu shouted from a distance.

Erasing the frown, Etsuko smiled; "okay, I'm coming!"

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