Then suddenly, you were gone

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"I'm sorry," she said with tears streaming down her face. They grabbed on to each other tightly as ashes fell around them. "I tried."

"I know," he replied with a loving look in his eyes. They stared at each other for a moment until their lips crashed.

Their kiss was short but passionate. They pulled apart and touched their foreheads together.

It was a peaceful and quiet moment. They knew that this would be the end for them. They would die the moment the building fell. At least they would die together.

Their peacefulness was broken by a buzzing sound of a......berg?

Seeing the berg, she picked him up and struggled to carry him to the edge of the building.

Vince held his hand out to the young teens as the girl pushed the boy towards the latch. The berg jerked backward.

"Come closer!" She yelled, trying to get Thomas in the berg.

The berg jerked forward once more and she was able to throw Thomas into the opening.

"Come on!" The others yelled, stretching their arms out.

Another boom sent Teresa to the floor. She got back up quickly and smiled at Thomas.

He knew she wasn't going to reach for their hands. He knew this would be the last time he saw her.

The building started to crumble and it reached to where she was standing. She looked at him one last time with a smile. Then fell into the opening of debris under her.

"No!" Thomas shot up from his bed and breathed heavily.

He got up and walked through the little flap that was the opening of his tent.

The breeze instantly hit him as he walked to the ledge of the cliff. Where she always was.

He finally spotted her tar black hair and pale skin.

She looked peaceful and calm. She looked beautiful.

"Hey," His voice was raspy and hollow. He barely talked now.

"Hey," She greeted back. "Did you have another bad dream?"

He nodded. "It was when we were on top of the building. Only this time I was the only one who got on the berg."

He paused as he stared into the distance.

"The look you had on your face made my heart drop. The look said that you knew you weren't going to make it on the berg."

He looked back at Teresa, tears in his eyes.

"Then suddenly, you were gone."

They embraced each other tightly as he sobbed quietly.

"Thomas," she said softly. "It's ok."

He looked her in the eye and she continued.
"I'm not really here."

Those words snapped him out of it.

He was still on the ledge, looking at the horizon, but she wasn't there.

He knew she wasn't.

She was gone. Forever.

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