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Chapter 25 - Brothers


Daniel had thought of selling his apartment in India. But then he thought otherwise.

His apartment over there could be a haven. Whenever he felt claustrophobic, he could just take a flight to India.

He couldn't leave the country now. Not when his daughter was loving it with the family.

What was he going to do now?

He didn't want to stay here. How many times did he have to see the questions on his father's face? How many times would he have to avoid seeing his family.

He hadn't done anything wrong in particular but he couldn't meet their eyes.

How would he see Kay on the other man's arm even? How many times would he have to excuse himself just to not see her and go through the pain?

He couldn't stay. He didn't want to.

But for Maya he would. It would be a pure torture.

There was no other way. He couldn't take Maya home. He just couldn't bring himself to take her away. Especially when she was getting what he had craved all his life.

He sighed.

"You can't blame it all on dad, you know?"

He rolled his eyes at the familiar voice.

"You're right. I can't just blame him. I have to blame all you guys." He shrugged. He didn't need to turn to see Sean leaning in the doorway, looking at him with his all-knowing hazel eyes.

"You can't just spend your entire time here, sulking in your room."

"Well, I've been doing it for a week now. I guess this room is growing on me."

Sean shook his head. "C'mon Dany. We let you go because we thought you wanted to explore the world."

Dan scoffed "That's rich, coming from you. Especially you."

Sean walked up to his brother and the brushed his thumb over his eyebrow, at the of the scar. Dan pulled back "Oh don't give me that bullshit."

"I regret it. I regret it to this day and it cost me my family. I did push everyone away. It wasn't just you. It cost me Sydney, my brothers and my own baby. But we gotta pull through this, brother. We can't let these demons of ours to pull us down."

Dan had nothing to say to that

"Look, I know what I did. I thank God everyday that you're alive and that I get to wake up and see Sydney in my arms every single day.

"I know that the family does regret it. They regret it all because nobody wants to hurt you. I let you go because I thought you hated me. Dad let you go because he thought that's what you wanted."

"Well atleast they could check on me...." Dan hesitated before he said " You could have checked on me."

"Dad's not to blame here. I am. Despite the fact that we tried to resolve it, we need time brother. We do. And this time I'm gonna do my damnedest to be there for you."

"I can't bring myself to trust anyone."

"It's fine. I deserve it."

Sean clapped a hand on his back and Dan couldn't help but smile.

"Let me take you out. The ladies are taking Lexi out. I can't tell you how close to death she was. " A shudder ran through them both

"Kari is back in town. What do you say... we all brother go out tonight. Just us. Having drinks and fun. Sharing stories."

Dan frowned at the last part as Sean gave a sheepish smile.

"Or well you can tell us all about your lovely marriage with Kay."

Dan's eyes widened. He had completely forgotten that the family knew all about it now.

He groaned. "That is not happening."

"At least tell us about India. I haven't been there much. You could've gone to stay in Goa."

"Goa is an amazing vacation spot. Mumbai is the Manhattan of India."


Dan hadn't thought that this day would take a turn like this.

That evening Sean barged in and would've probably dressed him up even, if it wasn't for Dan kicking him out of his room.

Dressing up in a black turtleneck and a faded jeans he joined his brothers downstairs where the four of them were already seated in the back of a limo.

"A limo? Seriously?" Dan asked as he took a seat beside Zach.

"When we go, we go in style." Zach yelled.

"Marriage life suits you man."

Zach just grinned.

Before Kari, Zach was either silent or he used to just grumble. But now, you couldn't even scrape off that smile with a knife.

Dan wanted that but he wanted it to be with only Kay. He didn't think he could fall for anyone other than Kay.

She was the one 

But tonight wasn't about him or her.

Well, it was almost about him what with his brothers trying to mend what had broken between them but mostly it was just brothers hanging out together. It was about all those years lost between them.

Mainly, it was about being brothers again.

And even though Dan couldn't exactly find it in him to trust is brothers completely, he wouldnt let go of the chance to be the Daniel he was when they all were kids.

Even though they'd be just sitting in the VIP area drinking whiskey and taking a dig at each other.

"So Dan, how's the married life with Kay?"

Dan's mood went downhill in a second at Zach's question.

The last thing he wanted to discuss was Kay.

Luckily Sean took the hint and changed the subject.

Dan sighed. He just hoped that he could survived the night


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- Nami

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