One Step At A Time

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Chapter 26 - One Step At A Time


Before Kay even knew it, a month had already passed since the divorce. She had avoided meeting her friends for a long time. She was telling herself that there was a reason for it.

And there really was one.

Today, she had to meet Cass. That woman had been on her ass everyday and finally Kay had caved in.  and now, here she was, standing at the doorstep wishing that she could grab just one glance at Daniel, to know how he was doing.

From her last conversation with Cass, she knew that the four brothers were trying to make up for their mistakes. George has been more and more distant and which was why no one was bringing up the topic of Maya or her and Dan's marriage.

Kayla rang the bell. Every time she stood in front of the gates, she always felt like she was stepping into some kind of castle. The guards had let her in without a question and so did the maid who opened the door and let her in towards the dining room.

Cass turned around with one of the trays in her mitten covered hands.


"Chocolate chip." Cass agreed "Maya loves these."

"Well, I love these too." Kay reached for one

"Careful, they're just outta the oven." Cass warned.

Kay pulled her hand back and just sat on one of the chairs as Cass took one opposite to her.

"I guess you know why we are here."

"Okay," Kay sighed, "I know that we should have told you about the marriage and that we hid it but it was just one night in Vegas."

"Was it a mistake?"

Kay hesitated "It was at that time"

"But now you think otherwise."

Cass stopped her and took her hands "I knew my boy loved you since the day you started to hang out with my sons. At first I might have thought that he had an infatuation but then he never acted on it. He had a lot of respect for his brothers but then Logan and Sean and my husband respected the business too much.

"I know that we made our mistakes. Which is why I don't have much rights to demand an explanation from him. As much as I want to know how the hell did he manage to hide a kid from us for years, I just can't. "

"I don't really know what to say to that."

"I'm not asking you for answers honey, I just missed having you here and your friends are worried about you. You haven't exactly given them a time of your day. Or should I say a month?"

Kay smiled sheepishly, "Yeah, I'm kind of avoiding them but I do have a reason for that."

"And what might that be young lady?"

"I don't want to go ahead and explain as to why your son divorced me."


" C'mon Cass, you know that Dan and I, we are worlds apart."

"But don't you think that if you two were similar, you wouldn't have actually thought about it at all. No offense honey, but tell me how is it going with Rory?"

Kay wanted to dig a hole and hide for the next... well forever.

"Rory and I, aren't together anymore. He is just -""- like you." Cass finished. Kay wanted to huff at that. They weren't similar exactly. Sure he was all about perfection just like her, and that he loved being independent just like her and that he loved cooking jut like her.

Kayla sat up straight and pushed those thoughts away. She hated how right Cass was.

"Well aren't you mad that I betrayed Logan."

"Oh well, that's in the past and besides, you both didn't look that much into each other." Cass waved a hand dismissively.

"You, I'm going to kill you." At the sound of the familiar voice, Kay jumped up from her seat. Or else she would have a had a blonde girl barreling at her like a canon ball.

Cass sat there doing nothing as if Kay wasn't being chased by not one, not two but three crazy ass women, the fourth one just took a seat beside Cass.

"Oh c'mon ladies, I-"

"You married Daniel and you didn't tell me." Sydney yelled.

"I didn't know until a couple months ago."

"Well then you should've told me a couple months ago." Syd picked up one of the mittens that Cass had removed and placed on the dining table.

"Well, Tess knew." Kay tried changing tricks.

Tess glared at her, her hands on her hips. "I'm why they all know that you guys were married."

"Damn it." she murmured.

"Calm down ladies, " Lexi finally interjected getting up from beside Cass. "Remember what we talked about. We are here to help her, not scare her away into hiding again."

Sydney just threw the mittens in her hand at Kay and she ducked. "Syd!" Lexi warned and Syd just stuck her tongue out at her.

"Honey, we are here to help you. Daniel told me that he signed those papers but I don't think you really want that do you."

Kay sighed, "I don't know anymore. I didn't want him first and then Ii did and then we parted ways and now it's just complicated"

"Do  you love him?" Tess asked

"I do. So much but is that enough? "

"Well it is enough to not let him go. Nobody's asking you to spent the rest of your life with him but you can start now. Take one step at a time." Kari added

"With you guys, everything was in a haste, the marriage, the love, the breakup. you never gave it enough time. You need to give your relationship some time." Lexi said and Kay couldn't agree more.

These past few months have been a lot but that was the first time Kay had given some time to her and Dan's relationship. And as far as she could remember, she had loved the time she spent with him.

She loved him and maybe Lexi was right. She didn't need to jump head first into it. She could take it one step at a time but at the same time she now knew what it meant to be married to Daniel and now that she thought she wouldn't mind even if she did jump head first into it.

Though one step at a time was a much sound advice, Kay feared that she would completely lose Dan.

"Well I would love to take one step at a time but ..."

With the five ladies backing her up, Kay knew that she could do this. She could jump head first but also take it one step at a time.


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- Nami

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