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Ciao everyone, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been caught up in school work but also reading other fan-fiction stories. Anyway I hope you enjoy today's chapter.

Ps: that picture above is not mine, I just thought it was cool.


-On week later-
3rd person POV

'Where is he?!' Kody thought. It's been a whole week and lumine still hasn't shown up to school. Kody started to freak out after he didn't come to school on the third day he's been missing. He told Elijah and cella they should go looking for them but they told him to call down and not over think it. He could just be sick.

Kody would believe that, but after he saw who lumine really is, or pretends to be? Kody has been wondering if it's what lumine was crying about after his concert.

Still after no sign of lumine, Elijah and cella were starting to get worried for their friends safety (lumines not kodys). They soon decided it's time to ask someone if they have seen lumine. So they headed straight to the leader of the school, the principle.
(don don don)

Kodys pov

We headed up to talk to the principle to ask if he knows where lumine would be. I know what your thinking 'kody, the principle isn't gonna care what his students do outside of school', well that's were your wrong.

I've noticed that the principle knows something about lumine that other teachers and students don't. 'Maybe he knows about lumines secret?' I thought.

I was suddenly knocked out of my mussing when cella knocked on the door. (Hehe...pun intended)

We heard a faint "come in" and headed inside.


"Mr. Nerson, can you please tell us where lumine is? Where really worried abiut him, he hasnt showed up in a week." Cella said frantically. It was easy to anyone that she was worried about lumine.

I mean I wouldn't blame her. I'm worried about him too.

"Don't worry kids, lumines fine. His father told me he has some family issues to attend too." He stated calmly

"Sir with all do respect will you tell us what his dad said." I said. He simply shook his head and said 'Its a private matter I'm afraid'. I sighed and started heading out of his office. I can here my friends calling after me, there footsteps coming ever so closer.

"Yoy kody. Are you alright?" Elijah asked, "I don't understand is all. I mean if somethings wrong. I don't know why he just won't tell us!"

They didn't interrupt me, they just listened to me rant. After I was done cella spoke up and said, "kody,...look we all are wondering what happened to lumine. But maybe were just over thinking everything and he's perfectly fine." She ended.

And for some reason I was angry at her. "Ofcourse you wouldn't understand! You've never been alone your whole life! You've always had friends and people will listen to you! They respect you! You don't...understand..." Kody ended silently, his voice becoming a little above a whisper.

Oh no. "Cella,...I-I...didn't mean too...too...I'm sorry....sorry" with that I ran away headed off towards the direction to my house.

3rd person POV

After kody left cella and Elijah got out of their shock of kodys outburst. Cella realised that she had made him upset. "Wait! Kody!" She was about to run after him but Elijah grabbed her arm, she looked back towards him only to see him shaking his head. His eyes saying 'let him go'. And she did, she nodded her head but looked back in the direction he went off too.

"Kody...." she was then pulled slightly, seeing Elijah say "come on, I'll walk you home." He smiled a small smile, she mirrored him and they both set of to cella's house.


-At kodys house-

"Why.....? Why did I do that? She was only trying to help. And I got angry at her. I'm such a terrible friend."

Kody then fell asleep, feeling even more worried them the days before. He desided that tomarrow he'll apologize to cella, and go to lumines house of he isn't goingbto be there.


-Unknown location-










'Where are you?'




Thank you all for reading this chapter, I hope you all enjoyed it. Where starting to get into all of lumines past and fears so I hope your ready!

Anyway my lovely readers I shall see you all again soon!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2018 ⏰

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