A different Naruto

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Shikamaru observed the short blonde enter the classroom solemnly.

'Someone died?' He glanced with half opened eyes, watching said blonde stumble in his steps.

The day passed fairly quickly, and it seemed no one else noticed that Naruto was different, well except for Shikamaru. Nothing could really escape his eyes, he was a Nara after all.

Last week he was still his normal self, causing trouble, playing pranks and being noisy, yet after a week's time of absence, he has changed completely. Gone was that troublesome Naruto, and came a silent solemn kid. Not to mention clumsy, he kept tripping every now and then.

Shikamaru also realised that Naruto always brought his hand to touch the back of his head every few minutes, as if, he was checking for something. But whatever something was, all Shikamaru saw was sunny blonde hair.

The third hokage, or Jii chan had recommended her to quit being a ninja. At this rate, her condition would just hinder her, and bring her to her death.

Naruto touched her short spiky hair in distaste, she really wanted to leave it long. She really did.

Her name is Naru, or Naruto per say. She's been through a lot the past week and what was worse was that she didn't have many people around her to help her overcome her troubles. There was Jii chan, but he was the hokage, he couldn't spend much time on her. Naru liked Iruka sensei, he didn't totally discriminate her, but even he didn't know of her condition and Naru was left alone.

She wanted friends. She should get some friends. But you see, they didn't want to be friends with her, they called her a monster. A freak.

Why didn't they befriend her? She didn't know but, she has Kurama as a friend now, so she wasn't that lonely.

'Come on kit, just a few more steps. Reach out your hand'

Naru followed Kurama's instruction and reached her hand to grab blindly until she felt a cool metal chain in her hand. She slowly patted down to the seat and plonked herself down, swaying slightly.

This was her swing. Her's alone. No one wanted to sit where the monster sat, it was known to all the academy kids that she sat here all the time.

She didn't notice that a someone was observing her. Shikamaru had his suspicions about Naruto but he wasn't completely sure yet.

" Hey Choji, what do you think of Naruto?" Shikamaru suddenly brought up, leaving Choji blanked.

" Ah? Naruto? Well he's loud and he likes to prank people. Why?" Choji muttered as he munched on his potato chips.

"No, what about today? What do you think of Naruto today?" Shikamaru said.

" Hmm. Looking back he does seem quiet. He hasn't planned his prank this week yet...Wait...What if he's planning to prank us all!!!" Choji jerked in sudden realisation, but was cut back by Shikamaru's sharp response. "No, that will be impossible, for now."

Shikamaru glanced at Naruto who was swaying on his swing, where no one else approached. His small figure just made him seem more lonely and distant. Although his eyes were still the same ocean blue, Shikamaru had a inkling of some sorts, those blank eyes aren't for show.

"Hey Choji, you up for some ramen? My treat." Shikamaru knew he was going to regret his current decision. Regret on treating Choji, and more importantly, what he was going to do next.

Without waiting for Choji's reply, he walked up to Naruto before tapping lightly on his shoulder. His small actions made Naruto jerked and face his direction, but their eyes never met.

" Hey, erm, Naruto. Do you want to get some ramen? It's my treat..." He awkwardly said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Naru eyes widen and then She gave a slight smile before nodding, never once did he speak. This would be the first time he was invited out with someone! It seems Shikamaru is a nice guy, he was even willing to treat someone like her to ramen!

'Kit don't trust pineapple yet, you can't tell if he is nice to you without a motive.' Kurama snarled in suspicion.

The whole time, Choji was sending him glances from him to Naruto, asking mentally about what the hell was going on. While Shikamaru feigned ignorance and decided to instead observe Naruto. He was walking slowly, trailing behind, his whole body exuded a cautious aura, that left others to stay away, not to mention, Shikamaru and Choji weren't blind nor deaf to the villagers outlook of him.

They were disgusted. Horrified. Afraid.

They pointed fingers and whispered. Mothers pulled their children away, civilians glared at that small desolate figure.

Shikamaru sighed, before walking closer to where Naruto was and latched an arm over his shoulders. It made Naruto stiffen for awhile and look at him in surprise. " Come on.. troublesome." Unknown to Shikamaru, Naruto blushed a little and nodded meekly.

Choji couldn't help but gape. What was going on in Shikamaru's head he really couldn't tell. Maybe he should try being nicer to Naruto?

At Ichiraku's, Teuchi greeted Naruto kindly and his daughter Ayumi smiled gently at Naruto.

Shikamaru could see that Naruto's emotions took a huge turn here. He was no longer that gloomy and was said to exude a happy aura as well.

" Who's your friends Naruto?" Teuchi asked gently.

" They are Shikamaru and Choji, from the academy." Now Naruto's quiet voice sent Shikamaru and Choji into shock. They weren't familiar with this tone, they were used to the sharp piercing shouts of Uzumaki Naruto, but never this soft quiet tone coming from the blonde.

Shikamaru's suspicions strengthened as he watched Naruto reach for his chopstick only to miss it a few times. It seems like he was clumsy, but the truth differed. Shikamaru knew it wasn't as simple as it seems.

" Naruto, I'll walk you back. Choji, you go back first." Choji who was numbed with Shikamaru's unexpected decisions today just nodded and left. Without waiting for Naruto's agreement, he walked of, looking back with a expectant expression.

'Kit he's on to something.'

The walk was quiet, in the darkness, where only a streetlamp illuminated their path, the remaining darkness was endless shadows, and Shikamaru sticked with the shadows.

"Naruto." He called out suddenly, startling the blonde.

" You are blind aren't you."

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