Chapter 2

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That school assembly will be 40 minutes of my life that I will never get back.

There was no point of it - the only purpose of it was to introduce the new English teacher Mrs Robin who is starting this term and even then that's not really new news.

I look up from the pavement to see my home - I've lived here since i was born and it is my favorite place on earth and that isn't just because my bed is here, but just because it is where i can just be myself.

Running up the three steps to my porch i kick off my shoes and walk inside and instantly hear the chatter of my family from the kitchen.

"I'm home" i chime into the echo of the corridor.

"Hi Dork" Nathan my older moron of a brother shouts back to me joined by a manly chuckle.

Nathan is 19 and 20 next month so he really thinks he is the boss of me- especially when dad goes out of town on business.

I bet you are wondering why Nathan is in college at 19? Well its because the school is a sports specialist and keeps on athletes for 2 extra years on top of higher years which i am currently in.  

Anyway, Speaking of my dad, He is a really successful guy and has his own entertainment company which hosts festivals and gigs all around so he tends to spend 2 weeks out of the month away dealing with clients in the city and most summer holidays too.

My mum works in the supermarket in town because due to my dad earning quite a lot of money she doesn't really need to work but she does anyway just so that she doesn't get bored i guess but she is always home when i get home with tea on the table and i know exactly what we are having tonight.

I sniff up a little and smile

"Mum have you made pancakes?!"

"Ellie you would smell pancakes off a mile away wouldn't you" I hear my mum laugh as she turns to face me with a spatula in one hand and a frying pan in the other - filled with a pancake i may add.

"Absolutely!" I jump up onto the buffet at the breakfast bar as mum places a plate full of three pancakes in front of me.

Before i can even lift up my fork Nathan walks past and its almost in slow motion that i see him swipe up one of my pancakes in his hand and walks off past me and upstairs.

"Nate! I will get you back for this! Ellie doesn't share food!" My inner Joey Tribiani comes out when it involves food.

"I'm just saving you from getting fat sis" He shouts down the stairs before i hear his bedroom door close shut.

I huff but look at my remaining two pancakes. Best not let them get cold.


The perks of having a big house means we have two living rooms and my parents sit in one and because Nate usually goes out with his friends i get the other to myself.

Now the question is...

Homework or American Horror Story?

I mean who can pass up watching American Horror Story and being blessed with Sarah Paulson's hotness.

Yes she is my woman crush of the year.

American Horror Story it is.

Just as i click to start the show my phone buzzes.

Do you understand this homework we got?x M

Mia i am not talking about homework when Sarah Paulson is blessing my TV screen.

No, I'm too busy to do homework - Sarah Paulson is keeping me company ;) x E

I get an Instant reply.

You are obsessed with AHS!!! x M

Well it's good that's why. Who are your locker neighbours anyway? Mine were interesting. x E

Just Molly and Ryan from Science -  Who who whoooo is yours?? xxxxx M.

Not telling ;) x E

Damn you Ellie! Anyway i am off out to the gym so i will smell you later!!!x M

Smell you later  x E

Mia is the only person who ever texts me.

I don't bother with many friends because the more friends you have the more drama and i am not interested at all.

Anyway I am happy with myself on my own, kicking my feet up on the sofa with my Capri-sun re-watching Murder House for the ten thousandth time.


It's 8.12pm and I need a shower.

After turning all the lights and TV off in the living room i run upstairs while pulling my long locks from my scrunchy and letting it all fall around my shoulders.

Grabbing my brush and shampoo from my room i head to the bath room.

Putting the shower in the hottest temperature a climb into the cubical and enclose myself in the heat.

After washing my hair and my body and quickly shaving what needs to be done i climb out and wrap the fluffiest towel around me and walk back to my room.

Wiping my face with a face towel i add some coconut water so that my face feels fresh in the morning.

Time to do the challenge of the day - dry my hair.


What seems like hours later my hair is dry and in a wave style around my shoulders

Putting on my favourite big t-shirt and shorts i climb into bed and put the TV for a short while before heading to bed.

Lessons start tomorrow.

I wonder what fun is in store.


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