Chapter 16

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"You know, those converse go really well together with your dress" Alex laughs as he walks backwards down the sidewalk so that he is facing me.

I changed my heels for converse in the doorway to the house before we headed on our walk so i wasn't stumbling all over the place.

"Very funny Reed, but as you said - you prefer the converse" I raise an eyebrow at him and he grins.

"The heels just aren't you - you suit converse" He turns to face forward and walks by my side.

"They are a lot more comfortable" I grin and focus on the darkness ahead down the road.

"Why is it so easy to talk to you? I feel like i have known you for years - you're not like other girls" I feel him looking at me but i keep my eyes forward.

"You mean I'm not like Rosie?" why do i do this?

"She is nothing compared to you" He sounds genuine.

I find myself stopped in my tracks. Truth time.

"So why were you guys hush hush and flirting in front of my locker"  It's like he wanted me to see it.

"It wasn't intentionally Infront of your locker, my locker is next to yours" He looks smug.

He doesn't sound like he is finished but i already feel stupid. 

He continues "And Rosie was flirting with me- but I have known Rosie for years, since primary school and she was just asking me for a ride home but i explained i couldn't because i was going to the gym after school, and then she grabbed my arm and tried her best to persuade me" He rolls his eyes at this point.

"Okay I've heard enough" I shake my head- I don't even care.

Ugh of course i care. I start to walk a little fast but i am stopped by Alex jumping in front of me

"She lives next door to me - which is why a lift home wouldn't have been an issue if i was going home."

I freeze. That's why i saw her car behind his truck because it was parked outside the house next door. It all makes sense.

And now i have a world of butterflies because everything i thought was wrong was just a misunderstanding.

"I'm sorry for telling you to choke on a mouldy milkshake" I give an awkward grin and it is greeted with a laugh from Alex.

"It was a great comment, it made me laugh"

I am looking up at him and i have never seen him look so genuine in the couple of weeks I've known him. That's when i see a raindrop fall on his cheek and i look up to feel raindrops fall on my own face.

"Oh god" I look at him and i know we are both thinking the same thing.

When it rains in our town it really rains.

"Come on, my house is only around the corner" Alex takes my hand and checks the road before guiding me across and up the street to his house.

Oh my god i am going into Alex's house.

We run up the few steps onto the decking and we are under the shelter in front of his door. I take this time to admire his home - his front porch is adorable with a swinging bench and potted plants.

In the short time it took us to get here the rain made us absolutely drench and i can feel the raindrops under my leather jacket.

"Come on in" He opens the door and holds it open for me.

"Thank you" I walk inside and kick off my converse and stand frozen in the spot. There are pictures along the wall that is leading upstairs and each one is a picture of Alex each a year older than the next in his football shirt. Before i know it i find myself on the bottom step looking at them all.

"Oh my mom refuses to take these down" He chuckles and shuffles awkwardly.

"You look so cute in the younger ones" I notice ones from when he is 10 and 11 years old.

"What about this one?" He winks and I look at the one he is pointing at and it must have been taken recently.

"Yeah you look alright" I tease him and he looks shocked which results in a laugh from me.

I was about to say what i really thought when a voice comes from up the stairs. "Alex have you brought a girl home?" I hear the soft voice and footsteps coming to the top of the stairs and i find myself moving around the back of Alex and hiding my small self behind his tall frame.

"Mom, This is Ellie, You kind of met when i brought her to the diner" Alex moves out of the way and i look up at Alex's mum.

"Nice to meet you Mrs Reed" I give her an awkward wave and i try not to imagine what i must look like to her with my hair all wet and my coat stuck to my arms.

"You too Ellie, Alex i taught you better than to let a lady shiver" She begins to walk down the stairs and Alex looks at me  and then down my body at my drenched clothes.

"I'll go get you some dry clothes" Alex runs up the stairs which leaves me alone with Mrs Reed.

"Come into the kitchen dear - Tea, Coffee or Hot Chocolate?" She picks up the kettle and fills it enough for three.

"Tea please Mrs Reed." I smile and find myself feeling comfortable.

"Oh Ellie, Call me Carol" She gives me the most genuine smile. "Go on upstairs while i brew this, Alex's room is the first door on the left - I'm sure he will have some clothes ready for you"

I nod and head up the stairs while admiring the pictures once more. Once at the top i turn the corner and follow Carols instructions but what i saw next had all the blood rushing to my face and i found myself week at the knees.

Alex Reed in is boxer shorts facing away from me. Why can i not look away. Why am i being such a girl.

I find myself watching the muscles on his bare back move as he pulls a blue t-shirt over his shoulders and i watch him pull some fresh jeans up his legs and checks himself in the mirror.

Damn Ellie. Don't be a stalker.

I take a few steps back away from the door and retrace my steps pretending i have just come upstairs. "Alex?" Thats right Ellie, Play dumb.

Alex turns to face the door fully dressed this time. "Hey mouse, there are some clothes here on the bed for you" He points to a pair of jogger shorts and a large grey top.

"Thank you" I walk into his room and notice that it is a typical boys room, basic with just a bed, TV, wardrobe and mirror inside.

"The room isn't much but I like that mirror because when you're standing in front of it, for instance - getting changed out of your clothes-  you can see if anyone is checking you out in the doorway" He gives an innocent shrug and i feel my smile drop.

Oh shit. 

I hear the bedroom door close and hear Alex chuckle along with his footsteps down the stairs.

He saw me checking him out.

Even worse.. pretend to walk up the stairs after checking him out..

Kill me now.

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